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Red dots on body treatment, symptoms, origin

The red dots on the body or as they are referred to as red moles are actually the angioma. Angioma – a benign tumor that develops from blood or lymphatic vessels.

The causes of angiomas on the body has not yet been identified, and today the doctors are puzzled by this disease. Red moles though considered as neoplastic diseases, but in fact represent only a cosmetic discomfort.

It is known that the red dots can be placed in different layers of the skin, including venous, arterial, capillary and circulatory areas of the body. It depends on their location, the red dots on the body differ in appearance and method of their treatment.

Types of red spots (angiomas)

Share the following types of angioma:

  • Capillary hemangioma is the most common kind of hemangioma, which is characterized by enlargement of the capillaries. On view is a separate reddish or blue–purple spots and the location of the prefers the face and body.
  • Tricky hemangioma is a hemangioma, which consists of large cavities of the body that filled with blood. It looks like a dark blue education, which is covered with a thin skin. Is on the face, and greatly disfigures the person. By their nature, can develop in muscles on the head, the spleen, the uterus, the liver.
  • Branched hemangioma – its structure consists of highly advanced vessels that pulsate. Have the appearance of swellings. Which in turn after her to pin down, quickly filled with blood back.

To what locations were most often appear?

Angioma is often manifested as:

    • The red dots on the body. How to treat?

      Depending on the type of hemangiomas, doctors recommend to choose the method of treatment.

      Simple hemangioma treated by irradiation with x-rays, surgical excision or cauterization with carbon dioxide.

      Cavernous hemangioma treated by the method of application of radium or by surgical excision.

      Branched hemangioma treated in the following way: make the dressing and flashing leading vessels, together with excision of large trunks.

      There are also other varieties of angioma. These include flat, pineal, knotty and branched forms of tumors. Also worth mentioning is hemangiomatous – a disease that affects not a single capillary, and the whole system of the bloodstream. When hemangiomatosis red spots can be placed along the arms or legs.

      Whatever features have not been endowed with hemangioma, no matter what type they had,all of them have one common method of detecting and it is quite simple. The essence of the method lies in the fact that if you put pressure on a hemangioma, she turned pale, and again quickly filled with blood, and thus returned to their normal color.

      Despite all this, there are other reasons, which may appear red dots on the body. Many experts prefer 1 method of occurrence – it is the presence of any pathology of the gastrointestinal tract. Also on the body red spots can appear as a consequence of disease of the pancreas or liver. That is why the examination of the red dots can take a lot of time.