Home / Diseases of the skin / Allergic skin reaction: photos, ointments

Allergic skin reaction: photos, ointments

Allergic reaction on the skin is a consequence of a specific stimulus that affects the body. Usually Allergy rashes on the skin and can either be localized to certain parts of the body, or to cover all the skin entirely.

You should also note the distinctive feature of allergies, inflamed areas of the skin necessarily very itchy or itch in the places of formation of skin folds or places where clothes are as tight to the skin.

Important! The main problem with allergies is an irresistible desire to comb it, but this can not be done, as when scratching there is always the chance of entering the wound infection.

All the time with the combing affects for

All these substances can easily penetrate into the skin and become a cause of the beginning of an allergic reaction.

We note a few interesting allergens that we can meet and communicate every day:

  • A natural fabric. Despite all the advantages, natural fabrics for some people are the most strong allergens. This is especially true of wool fabric.
  • Frequent interaction of the skin with certain metals. This is a very interesting point, as, for example, often causes allergies-the most common Nickel rivets on clothes that are often in contact with the skin.
  • The pet hair. Allergies here are quite common.
  • Plants, pollen.

Continuing the conversation about common allergens, focus on food components and drugs. In General, from the point of view of prevalence, what food allergens are in the first place.

Returning to the food, note that most commonly lead to allergies strawberry, chocolate, peanut, seafood, tomatoes.

Another reason for skin rashes could be a reaction to some drugs. With allergies of this type does not necessarily occurs as a reaction to components of the drug, but just as neglect of the rules of admission. Overdose in the medication easily lead to allergic rashes.

Important! The hallmark of the simple allergies is the fact that if you are allergic skin rash accompanied by itching and all. This is very important, as skin diseases that are not related to allergies, but have similar symptoms, always appear and other symptoms, for example, fever, loss of appetite, weakness in the muscles.

Allergy treatment

As a rule, to set yourself what causes allergies is difficult. This requires Allegro-samples, in whichinstall the primary source of Allergy.

Only after consultation with a dermatologist and accurate diagnosis, you can begin the proposed treatment.

In the first place, any treatment allergies suggests the complete exclusion of the allergen. Only then can we talk about effective use of drugs.

The treatment is always directed at the elimination of symptoms after elimination of the allergen, we can only heal the skin and relieve itching.

For this purpose:

  • Antihistamines in pill form. Tavegil, suprastin. They allow you to remove the itching at the initial stage of the allergic reaction when it is extremely strong.
  • Topical preparations, ointments and creams.

Stay on the ointment and point out that they can be non-hormonal and hormonal. The first group includes:

  • Skin-cap Eliminates itching and reduces inflammation with the skin. Has anti-inflammatory effects and prevents infections in the skin. The product can be used for a long time.
  • Bepanten. The ointment has a gentle effect and it is often prescribed even for infants.
  • Fenistil. It is a gel. Which perfectly removes an allergic reaction. Can also be used for a child, but with months of age.

As for hormonal ointments, then their use should be approached with maximum caution. One of the most common ointments – Elokom and Ftorokort. These drugs are considered as main ointments in the treatment and elimination of allergies.