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Allergy in a newborn on the face: treatment of the child

Allergy in newborn children of today quite often. What is it? In fact is a reaction of immune system to one or another allergen. Often Allergy in baby occurs in some foods.

Causes of allergies

Heredity. It is proved that the predisposition to certain allergic manifestations on the face of infants adopted by the child is genetically from the parents. The most allergic children in those families in which already there are cases of allergic reactions. If one of the parents suffers from this disease, then the likelihood of allergies in children is 37%, if both parents are allergic, the risk level in this case is 62%.

Failure to comply with the woman during pregnancy and breastfeeding a hypoallergenic diet. In this case, the antibodies and antigens are transferred from mother and Allergy in infants.

Vaccination. It is no secret that some grafting materials are allergens and ordinary at first glance, routine vaccination can cause newborn persistent allergic Constitution from the first days of life.

Allergy in newborns can be caused by late breastfeeding. Because at birth the gastrointestinal tract of the baby is sterile, delayed breastfeeding prevents the formation of the correct microflora and dysbacteriosis.

Mixed and artificial feeding of infants. The results of biochemical studies, it was found that 75% of infants have hypersensitivity to cow's milk. That is why the early use baby food cow's milk creates allergic Constitution of an organism.

Frequent intake of antibiotics, as a result of natural hormonal changes of the body.

Allergic to the skin and face of a newborn is manifested not only as to inspect the child. But in more complex cases will require blood tests of the baby.

Only after that, considering the type of Allergy and the individual characteristics of the child, the doctor may prescribe appropriate treatment, drops and cream.

For the affected areas of the skin using special ointments, drops cream:

  • Dioxidine,
  • Sulfargin,
  • Bepanten plus
  • Elidel,
  • Fenistil.

To eliminate itching and other unpleasant sensations on the skin and on the face apply zinc and Ichthyol ointment, as well as drops and creams, they help, if the child has a small rash on the body. Only on prescription, you can use ointments containing antibiotics:

  • Levomikol,
  • Futsidin cream
  • Linkomitina,
  • Gentamicina,
  • Eritromicina.

If non-steroidal ointments the expected effect does not occur,your doctor may prescribe hormonal agent local action. The most safe group of drugs includes steroids drops and Advantan ointment and Elkom.

None of the above ointments can not be used alone, without medical advice. Only an experienced specialist can prescribe all therapeutic measures. Left unattended, Allergy newborn dangerous exacerbation of the disease and serious complications. That's why at the first signs of her need to see a pediatric allergist or pediatrician.