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Allergy in August: what's in bloom and how to treat

The modern medicine knows different types of allergic reactions. Quite common is considered to be hay fever – seasonal allergies. It only occurs at certain times of the year. As a rule, spring and autumn, and in some cases the beginning of August, here is an Allergy in August. The main causative agent of pollinosis becomes pollen. If human immunity is strong, then such an aggressor, he can cope quite easily, otherwise, inevitably, the onset of allergic reactions.

The main symptoms of the disease include:

  • rashes on the skin;
  • pain in the eyes;
  • cough;
  • swelling;
  • runny nose;
  • sneezing.

In warm time of the year, namely in August and early fall, hay fever is caused due to the flowering of various plants. These include: Chenopodiaceae, Asteraceae, nettle. No less dangerous for Allergy sufferers and weeds: mugwort, ragweed, goosefoot. In addition, allergic symptoms can cause even cultivated plants, which belong to the Compositae: asters, chrysanthemums, daisies. Quite often the causative agents of hay fever can become succession, calendula, yarrow, immortelle and tansy.

No less insidious can be mushrooms, namely the microorganisms in the form of mold and rot. In August a high enough concentration in the air. For this reason, those people who have a predisposition to allergic reactions, it is not recommended to consume those foods which have been produced on the basis of yeast, for example, kefir or kvass.

What to do during the August allergies?

In late summer it is good to strengthen the immune system and eat sprouted grains of wheat and berries, lean meats, grains and vegetables from this Allergy in August can not occur. Also recommended is the use of large amounts of fluid in the form of teas, stewed fruit and fruit drinks.

Very useful will bath in the decoction of herbs. September is ideal for beginning these procedures. This can be a calendula, mint or Melissa. The water temperature for this procedure should not exceed 38 degrees. To reduce the manifestations of allergic reactions you should take a bath and try not to go after her out of the house.

Treatment and prevention

A good tool that will help to forget about the illness will be specific immunotherapy. It must be done before the start of the season flowering plants. The essence of treatment is a 40 day course of injections, which must be produced every year can be the beginning of the month of September. If after application of the method there is no relief, then you need to pause, especially if after the first course was a positive shift.

Prevention andrelief from hay fever will be the special antihistamines that can be presented in the form of drops, tablets or sprays, treating them quite effectively, especially if quality To reduce the allergic effects it is necessary to try to lead a healthy lifestyle and exercise, take a walk, relax at night and give up bad habits, it's also not so much a recommendation of how much treatment. You must get into the habit of regular cleaning of the carpet or even remove them. Windows and doors must be kept tightly closed, and out to wear a gauze bandage.

It is impossible to forget and about the food, because it must be hypoallergenic. It is necessary to abandon completely those foods that cause allergic reactions are: milk, citrus, chocolate, eggs, meat products, honey.