Home / Diseases of the skin / Scabies in humans: the first symptoms, effective treatment and photo

Scabies in humans: the first symptoms, effective treatment and photo

Scabies is one of the most unpleasant diseases, which are ticks of the family Sarcoptes Scabiei. They are microscopic mites that cannot be seen with the naked eye.

First and foremost the strongest scabies is manifested by itching, which intensifies by night. In addition, the skin formed numerous itch moves, which deposited the waste products of mites.

To was infected with scabies, it is enough minimum contact with the sick person or his belongings.

Causes of scabies

Scabies is not caused by all ticks, but only females. In length After the female tick gets on the skin, it does a few itch moves in the skin. In these passages the female lays eggs from which the larvae and 10-15 days be ready to mate individuals. The cycle repeats again, each time increasing the number of ticks.

It should be noted that the disease is transmitted only from person to person and by contact with animals cannot be infected with scabies. The most common cause is a simple contact with an already infected person or the use of hindsight, things or items of personal hygiene of the patient.

The reasons also include:

  • The overall level of hygiene;
  • Crowding lifestyle;
  • Promiscuity.

A high percentage of scabies is observed among children, especially if the infection was not identified in the beginning.

The main symptoms of the disease

The main of all of the symptoms of scabies should be considered itching, which always has a tendency to a sharp increase in the night.

In addition, itching can increase after taking a shower, especially hot.

Another characteristic manifestation of scabies, among all the symptoms is the appearance of the skin

An itch that we feel during illness, is a consequence of the Sulphur ointment

Copes well with scabies sulphur ointment. According to the instructions, it should be applied on the affected scabies mites the skin. Treatment is due to the fact that the cream is deadly affects of the tick. Like everything, this ointment has a number of disadvantages, such as unpleasant odor, long course of treatment (about a week) and possible allergic reactions.

It is important to remember that

Benzyl benzoate

Also effective against scabies is benzyl benzoate. Treatment is carried out according to the instructions. The course of treatment depends on the form the severity of the disease and appointed strictly physician.The standard course involves treatment over two to three days, and, if necessary, treatment is repeated after some time. You need to carefully wash and change the sheets before you apply the medication to places that are struck by mange. With regard to dosage, he prescribed a 10% benzyl benzoate, and adults — 20% ointment. The main disadvantages are:

  • possible burning sensation in applying the ointment;
  • allergic reactions are possible.

It is worth remembering that pregnant and nursing women this drug is contraindicated.

The spregal

The spregal — also demonstrates effective treatment during scabies. This medication is in the form of a spray that is applied to the affected skin before bedtime. After applying the medication, you must exclude the shower, not to wash off the drug. The medicine should be sprayed on the moves of scabies from a distance of 20-40 inches. When applying the spray into hard to reach places, such as flexing hands and legs, armpits, the skin between the toes — should be diligent and thoroughly soak the skin. The drug should be on the skin for about 12 hours, and then is to take a shower and wash the spray off the body with soap. One bottle of medicine enough for a few people. Do not forget, after treatment procedures in the order of rules can cause skin to itch in 1-2 weeks. A small drawback is burning, but it will not last long.

Be aware that for children treatment with this medicine should avoid getting spray into the respiratory tract, mouth, and eyes of a child. If scabies on face — soak a cotton swab in the spray and apply the medicine with her.


It is also a good remedy for scabies — permethrin. The drug is applied to the body using a cotton swab for three days. You should avoid getting the drug on the face, neck and scalp. Because of the acrid smell, the treatment is carried out in ventilated rooms. You must make sure that the medication gets into the eyes, mouth and nose. If this incident occurred, immediately wash with plenty of water. Disadvantages of the drug are:

  • a burning sensation in the area of application;
  • numbness of the skin on the extremities;
  • itching;
  • allergic reaction to the drug.

Remember that this drug is contraindicated in children under 1 year and breastfeeding mothers. It is advisable not to use during pregnancy and for treatment of scabies in children under 5 years. In case of contact of the drug in the esophagus should be immediately gastric lavage.

Before you start applying ointment, it is recommended to take a hot shower. This will help to wash the surface of the skin mites and at the same time to loosen the Horny layer of the epidermis. However, if the disease is characterized by pustules on the body, then showeryou want to exclude.

Other materials for the treatment of scabies you can find here, however, instead of being a standalone treatment and to put myself on the experiments, it is easier to consult a dermatologist and get the necessary medication.

In addition to this, you will need to carry out disinfection work in the house. To do this, all underwear, clothes should be boiled and ironed. Mites can not withstand high temperatures. If the mattress should be taken outdoors where they will be aired for weeks.