Home / Diseases of the skin / Enterosgel application instructions: possible side effect, and positive side

Enterosgel application instructions: possible side effect, and positive side

Enterosgel – a drug designed to provide emergency detoxification effects oral use by the patient.

The drug has a high level of absorption, sucking not only blood and lymph, but also from the products of intestinal contents, leading to intoxication. After the process of absorption, the collection of all the toxins completed, the drug is excreted from the body naturally through bowel movement.

In addition to toxins, the drug is able to bind, absorb and excrete pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic organisms.

Works well with bifidobacteria and lactobacilli is not suppresses them and does not absorb.

In addition Enterosgel copes with various types of intoxication, and it can be poisoning, and overdose of medicines or drugs, strong alcoholic poisoning.

That applies not only to skin damage but also skin diseases, the Remedy may be prescribed with neurodermatitis and diathesis.

Even in the treatment of cancer diseases Enterosgel may be prescribed before or after surgery or during radiation therapy.

Methods of use

Just say that the duration of use of the drug completely individual. Accepted Enterosgel in the form of ready-made paste oral.

As a rule, the treatment varies from one week to 14 days. If intoxication is pronounced, and occurs in an acute form, perhaps doubling the dosage in the first few days of intake. However, this period of the drug for simple intoxication, but if we are talking about jaundice, liver damage, cirrhosis, treatment may be extended to 60 days.

Always taking the drug with water. Time of reception is determined for a half hour before meals or 2 hours after. Make the drug should three times a day for 45 grams. It dose for an adult. Children up to 3 years When registered at 2 times the 24 hour dose up to 5 grams.

Side effects and contraindications

When receiving Enterosgel may experience some side effects. Most frequent constipation, especially the person with a predisposition to it.

The only contraindication is acute intestinal obstruction, but after its removal the drug can be taken without fear. In addition, Enterosgel can be prescribed to women during pregnancy and while breastfeeding.

The drug does not have information about overdose and interacts with the vast majority of drugs for the integrated treatment of all the problems described above.

*enterosgel shown to be stored at temperature 15-25°C shelf life three years

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