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Folliculitis: treatment, photo

In translation from Latin means folliculitis SAC in General, it is on the bag and it looks like a small and round education in the human body. Speaking on the merits, it appears to be folliculitis suppurative process with a tendency to inflammation, which occurs in the place of hair follicles. When tactile contact with the folliculitis you can feel the pain

  • Bacterial. The disease most often

    At the same time form of deep folliculitis is characterized by a deep lesion of the skin. Reddish nodules in this form reaches a centimeter in diameter and touch demonstrate pain. The abscess in this case revealed not sooner than five days, then crusts over and shrinking.

    There are still a few non-specific symptoms:

    • Itching.
    • Pain in the rash.
    • Rarely, but folliculitis can cause swollen lymph nodes.

    Note that one of the consequences of folliculitis can be cosmetic defects. It is the scars that remain on the site of the ulcers.

    Treatment of folliculitis

    Despite the apparent lack of seriousness of the disease, folliculitis is always subject to compulsory treatment, because it can degenerate into a boil. Plus, folliculitis can cause inflammation of the lymph nodes.

    Treatment involves a mandatory review to personal hygiene and the subsequent compliance with the rules of hygiene. It is also necessary to eliminate the precipitating factor. If the problem is in the immunodeficiency state of the body, treatment involves strengthening the immune system, by translating the disease into remission, if not possible to completely eliminate it.

    Thus, we can say that the treatment of folliculitis is always directly related to the treatment of its causes. Only without healing the root cause, we can talk about true the therapy. Just a symptomatic treatment in this case does not provide a long-term effect.

    Note that with the defeat of staphylococci used antibiotic therapy, if fungal – appropriate protivodiabeticheskie drugs. Herpetic lesions will require treatment with acyclovir.

    If we are talking about a severe form of folliculitis, which still recurs, use systemic therapy. In this case, the drug is injected intravenously, which gives the opportunity to influence the whole body.

    Superficial folliculitis is treated with aniline dye, ulcers opened, and the skin surface is treated with disinfecting solutions. The pus from the opened abscess is removed with a cotton swab, and the surrounding fabric is treated alcohol-containing solution does not spread further infection on the skin surface. Forthe same purpose can be used, and special ultraviolet irradiation.

    In the form of deep folliculitis is used to treat Ichthyol, which is in the form of a small pellet is superimposed on inflamed skin. Change the compress is recommended twice in 24 hours.

    Note and actions that cannot be conducted strictly with folliculitis:

    • Cover the infected skin area with a wet compress.
    • Wash the affected area.
    • To do squeezing ulcers.

    In addition to traditional medicine, there are options in the national where to treat folliculitis there are recipes decoctions and infusions of herbs. For example, a very popular decoction of the dandelion, which is recommended to drink four times a day. Or from the leaves of Woodruff and Thistle, it is possible to prepare a slurry, which is applied to the follicle and is covered with a bandage.