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How to remove age spots - how and what to bring with a person

Appearance is important for every girl and women. A smooth and beautiful complexion of their dreams. But sometimes appearance can ruin spots. The main cause of skin pigmentation caused by the uneven distribution of melanin, the pigment responsible for skin color, eyes and hair. The result of this could be the appearance of dark spots on the face. Their appearance is typical for women over 40 years of age or pregnant due to hormonal changes in the body.

Currently, there are many cosmetic procedures and means by which to answer the question, how to remove dark spots. But before you resort to them still need to identify the cause of age spots.

Causes of age spots

Causes uneven pigmentation can be divided into two groups: internal and external.

Internal reasons:

  • hormonal imbalance or changes in the body. Often the appearance of age spots is due to a malfunction of the thyroid and pancreas. The use of hormonal drugs and contraceptives, lactation can be a cause of a violation of distribution of melanin in the body, resulting in necessary removal of stains;
  • disruption in the internal organs. Disease of the liver, kidneys, genital organs and the stomach affects the face with dark spots;
  • inadequate intake of vitamins, such as vitamin C or folic acid.

External causes

  • prolonged exposure to the sun, sunburns, after them, the question of how to get rid of skin pigmentation on the face is particularly relevant;
  • the results of poor cosmetic procedures: squeezing pimples, peeling, burning, inflammation;
  • the use of cosmetic products containing irritating components to the skin;
  • the use of alcohol-containing means on exposed skin, especially in the period of greatest activity of sun rays.

Action to eliminate age spots

Before resorting to cosmetic procedures, it is necessary to identify the cause of hyperpigmentation and only then to answer the question, how to get dark spots. Without determining the cause, any cosmetic procedure will not give the desired effect. Specialist consultation and diagnosis will help to determine the root cause and eliminate it as short as possible.

As clearing of pigment spots sometimes need a period of adjustment of hormonal levels, especially during pregnancy or nursing, before using any cosmetic products requires consultation with a gynecologist. This is necessary in order not to cause disturbances in fetal development or changes in milk composition.

Eating sufficient amounts of vegetables and fruitsreplenishes the body's need for vitamin C and folic acid and helps to remove dark spots on the face, as a consequence, the color of the spots becomes less intense and eventually the production of melanin normal. Experts recommend to use lemons, Kale, any fresh herbs.

To avoid the appearance of age spots, you need to limit exposure to the sun. If this cannot be done, then before leaving you should put on the skin cream with high protection factor from the sun or wear closed clothes. Such methods are capable to protect from emergence of new and increase of existing age spots and answer the question, how to remove dark spots on the early phase of emergence.

Quite often, spots appear on the skin after a holiday in countries with a hot climate. To eliminate them you can use different bleaching agents, or masking by using bronzer.

Means and removal of pigment spots

To get rid of dark spots on the skin can be how with the help of cosmetics and folk remedies.

The main components of bleaching creams and masks is a hydroquinone or derivative of a substance based on it. These substances are toxic and are used in the media only in a small proportion of only 1-2%.

However, for people suffering from allergies before use of cosmetics is necessary to take into account this fact. Before applying you should check whether there is an allergic reaction to cosmetics and only then make a decision on its use. Pregnant or lactating women to use the means containing hydroquinone or its derivatives is not recommended, and here you can learn and stains. They have a mild and effective action on the skin, reducing the risk of allergic reactions to a minimum.

Long known for whitening properties of parsley, both leaf and roots, lemon, sweet peppers, currants you can use them at home. In order to reduce dark spots and lighten the skin, to remove, enough to apply the paste and wash it after 25-30 minutes. Effective is also rubbing the juice of these fruits and herbs.

A good tool in the fight against pigment spots in the home are masks made of natural components. However, before applying you should know a few simple rules:

  1. Apply whitening mask should only be thoroughly cleansed of makeup and dirt from the skin.
  2. Apply the mask at home, you should immediately after cooking. It is not necessary to prepare a large amount and keep it in the fridge, but only if such storage is not provided by the recipe.
  3. The mask is applied in a thick layer to face avoidingthe mouth and eyes.
  4. After the mask is applied it is desirable to adopt a comfortable position and relax.
  5. After removal of the mask on the skin should apply a nourishing cream suitable for your skin type.
  6. The best time of the whitening procedure at home. After them it is advisable not to go outside or to go out when solar activity is low.
  7. Before each going out after carrying out the bleaching treatments on the skin is recommend applying a sunscreen with a high protection factor from ultraviolet rays.

Professional beauty treatments

Traditional salon procedure of skin renewal, leveling her tone is peeling. There are several varieties of it:

  • mechanical;
  • chemically;
  • peeling with fruit acids;
  • ultrasonic;
  • laser.

Despite the diversity of types of peels, the operating principle is the same. During the procedure removes the top dead layer of skin cells. After that his recovery is faster due to the increase of the growth rate of epidermal cells.

To achieve the effect and getting rid of age spots need to undergo 8 to 10 sessions of peeling. To carry out this procedure it is better in the fall or winter. This is because after peeling it is necessary to minimize the sunlight on the skin. At this time, the skin is particularly sensitive and neglecting these can cause burns and deep scars on the skin.

The most affordable and effective is a chemical peel. On the skin with special chemicals in a strictly defined concentration. Before the procedure the skin should be prepared. There should not be inflammation and wounds. The same principle of exposure to skin is the basis of peeling fruit acids.

According to cosmetologists the most effective against age spots is laser peel. The procedure of laser peel is performed quickly enough after some preliminary preparation. It is to abandon the use of cosmetics for at least 2-3 days, rejection Solarium and sunbathing. The rehabilitation period after the laser peeling is more than 2 months.

Cosmetic anti-dark spots

Even our grandmothers used to eliminate dark spots on face at home using clay. Now this tool has not lost relevance and is used by women in the fight against skin imperfections. Buy cosmetic clay in the pharmacy, and any beauty store. It's affordable, but quite effective tool in fighting not only hyperpigmentation, but also allows you to get rid of other problems of the skin, giving it elasticity andspots, but also a variety of redness and inflammation. In the fight against pigmentation is to pay attention to funds that contain a variety of acids, e.g., salicylic, citric or tartaric acid. After regular usage, the skin will become noticeably whiter and cleaner.

To achieve quick results in eliminating spots on the skin it is better to use professional tools or contact a proven beauty salon. In just a few treatments you will see how have changed the complexion and reduce pigmentation spots.

Ways to get rid of age spots there are quite a number. You only need to decide which method will be suitable. In this case, the main thing you need to consider the health, readiness to perform all the necessary procedures and to monitor the cleanliness of the skin.