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Cold Allergy: symptoms and prevention in children and adults

Cold Allergy is one of the many varieties of negative reactions of the human organism to the action of external stimuli. From the name it follows that this allergic reaction develops under the action of low temperatures and strong cold wind.

Until recently the official medicine this diagnosis is not recognized because of the allergen that causes this specific reaction, no, but, that means Allergy this can not be. It was only about the physical cold exposure.

However, it is now established that in some people there is an active release of histamine (mediator of allergic reactions) under the influence of cold air. All manifestations are similar to those in other types of allergies, which can develop swelling, blood vessels dilate, the skin and mucous membranes flushed and sudatta. Therefore, the thermal receptors in the skin respond to lowered ambient temperature and develops cold Allergy.

Causes of cold Allergy

To the question, why is developing cold Allergy medicine while there is no definite exact answer, but there are several factors under the action of which particularly sensitive people faced with such a reaction. These factors are the following:

  • — a sharp transition from an environment with normal temperature of the ambient air in the environment with low temperature. This is especially true for the winter season and windy weather;
  • — contact with cold water, for example, when bathing in natural waters or at home cleaning and washing dishes;
  • — eating too much cold food and drinks.

Allergic to the cold often develops after serious illness and prolonged administration of antibacterial drugs. It is believed that allergic to the cold hands can be genetically conditioned, but also occur on the background of some parasitic infestations (children's and adult ascariasis, pinworms in children, giardiasis) or infections (e.g., tuberculosis).

Strong tempered body with good immunity usually does not react to such changes of temperature, but if the body defenses are weakened, there are serious diseases or systemic disorders, as well as changes in metabolic processes, this type of Allergy is possible. It is proved that serious deficiencies in immunity can occur due to stress, so people are resistant to stressful situations, can usually boast of good health and rarely get sick.

The factors contributing to the development of cold Allergy:

  • — allergic reactions to other stimuli, for example, to pollen, Cottonwood fluff, food, household chemicals, dust;
  • — some infectious diseases such as measles ormumps, rubella, Mycoplasma pneumonia;
  • — chronic diseases, sinusitis, sinusitis, helminthiasis, impaired balance of microflora in the intestine;
  • — recurrent skin disease – eczema, psoriasis, and atopic dermatitis.
  • -genetic predisposition – in some cases, such a reaction is transmitted from generation to generation by inheritance. As a rule, allergies while often associated with windy weather than with cold weather. The main symptom in this case is usually not itching, and burning sensation To cold Allergy is also characterized by General malaise, the person complains of headache and weakness, it increases blood pressure, shortness of breath occurs.

    Another symptom is allergic rhinitis when rhinitis and sneezing start when going outside in cold weather, it's accurate Very good result gives badger fat, which contains unsaturated fatty acids and vitamins A and B. They can cover exposed areas of the body (lips, cheeks, hands) 20 minutes before going outside. If there is no severe liver disease, badger fat can drink one tablespoon 40 minutes before Breakfast.

    For protection from the wind and the best conservation of heat you need to use long gloves or mittens, scarves, hoods.

    To help if you experience hives as a reaction to the cold, herbs can, of course, if allergies to them. Good will walnut leaves, roots of burdock and viola tricolor. Herbs must be mixed in equal parts, two tablespoons collection pour a glass of boiling water and infuse for one hour. Then the broth strain and drink ¼ Cup 3 times a day.

    Also a good effect have a pine or spruce cones. For one portion it is necessary to take 4 cones, grind in a coffee grinder or scroll in a meat grinder and boil in water on low heat for half an hour. Then the broth should drain and wipe in the evening, weathered skin.

    If cold Allergy is not too striking manifestations, it is possible to reduce the reaction and strengthen the immune system by gradual hardening and rubbing. If the symptoms are very intense or Allergy occurred in a young child, the hardening is prohibited because it can lead to complications, e.g., anaphylactic shock, Quincke edema, edema of the larynx.

    In winter it is possible to use of antihistamines.