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Skin dermatitis: treatment, symptoms, types of diseases and photos

Dermatitis is a skin disease characterized by inflammation of the skin under the influence of external stimuli. There are two types of diseases: toxicoderma and contact dermatitis. When drug reaction irritant gets inside the body, and contact dermatitis appears after contact with skin irritant.

Types of dermatitis

But types of dermatitis, there is quite an impressive list. In medicine it is accepted to distinguish:

  • Seborrheic dermatitis;
  • Atopic dermatitis;
  • Dermatitis herpetiformis;
  • Solar dermatitis;
  • Dermatitis from plants and herbs.

In addition, the above types are conventionally divided into simple and allergic diseases.

To simple contact disease are:

  1. Of frostbite;
  2. Burns;
  3. Corn.

To allergic, everything that was stated above.

The reasons for the development of the disease

Mechanical, chemical, or biological stimuli can cause the development of the disease. Sooner or later everyone is faced with manifestations of dermatitis. Skin reaction to acids, plants (nettle, fraxinella, etc.), alkali is also one of the types of disease. This is called dermatitis — artificial artificially. It can occur under the action of temperature, radiation, friction or pressure.

No less common and allergic dermatitis. In this variety of the disease, stimuli there may be substances to which a person has hypersensitivity or substances causing an allergic reaction. An example of such substances can serve as washing powder, detergents, cosmetics, perfumes, insecticides, solvents, plants, etc.

Dermatitis manifests itself during contact with the stimulus or immediately after it. The degree of damage to the skin depends on the type of stimulus, strength of action and duration of contact with him. The degree of damage, allergic dermatitis, often depends on the state of the autonomic system, nervous and predisposition to Allergy. It is necessary to consider what diseases the person is hurt, and what hurts at the moment, as the work of the sebaceous and sweat glands, the condition of the immune system.

The intensity of the flow and the symptoms of dermatitis depend on the duration of latent contact with an irritant (and sometimes, between the contact and manifestation of the disease on the skin is up to 4 weeks), the nature of the irritant, duration of contact with skin, the area affected area and impact of the stimulus on the skin.

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The symptoms of dermatitis

A simple dermatitis is an acute and chronic form. The acute form is characterized by three stages:

  1. Erythematous;
  2. Vezikulezny;
  3. Necrotic.

Erythematous stage of dermatitis manifests itself by increased blood flow to the affected area, causing swelling (hyperemia).

Vesicular is a continuation of the first, but the skin bubbles occur. Sometimes they are opened, forming erosion that does not heal.

In necrotic stages of the affected skin dies, later forming scars at the site of the lesion.

The acute form is characterized by symptoms such as severe itching, burning or pain.

Chronic dermatitis is preceded by a long weak irritant contact with the skin. In such a scenario of development of the disease, there is a stagnation of blood in the vessels, thickening of the skin, infiltration and even atrophy.

Abrasion of the skin is also one of the forms of acute dermatitis. It is seen most often on the feet (when wearing tight or uncomfortable shoes) on the hands (prolonged exercise), or in the folds of the body (typical for very fat people). There is a strong swelling. If the impact of the stimulus on the skin do not stop, the affected place will be a water bubble. It is quite dangerous, as it can penetrate yokokawa infection. Constant exposure to mechanical stimuli to the skin causes thickening of the skin (amosulalol).

Solar dermatitis is manifested first and second degrees of severity. In this case, the symptoms on the skin can occur a few hours. With the defeat, later changing skin pigmentation. Radiation ultraviolet radiation (UV lamps are also included in this number) can trigger the development of solar dermatitis. Many people suffer from this disease are hypersensitive to the irritant.

Radiation dermatitis is the same regardless of the nature of radiation. The acute form of the disease can manifest itself altemose bullous and necrotic stage, depending on the dose. In some cases, the disease is preceded by radiometeric (radiation treatment). Single dose radiation may be sufficient to fall ill with radiation dermatitis. Formed due to irradiation, skin ulcers are very painful. Pain may last for many months. Sometimes there is a change in the composition of blood.

Chronic form of radiationdermatitis is characterized by dryness and their atrophy do skin. The skin is covered with scales, appears sores that can turn into a malignant tumor. Chronic radiation dermatitis can be treated with ionizing radiation in low doses.

The acute form of dermatitis can be caused by irritants such as acids and alkalis. Symptoms in this case will resemble bullous, erythematous or necrotic chemical burns. The chronic form, in this case, it may be caused by prolonged exposure to a weak solution of acid or alkali on the skin.

An experienced doctor easily diagnose irritant dermatitis. For this it is necessary to study the total clinical picture.

Swelling and erythema are the implications of the development of allergic dermatitis. Also, along with redness of the affected areas of the skin can develop blisters. Sometimes they burst and in their place are formed erosion. After the swelling goes down, the skin can remain pink traces. For the most correct diagnosis of the disease should conduct an Allergy test.

The treatment of the disease

In the first place to treatment is necessary to eliminate the stimulus that triggered the dermatitis. If diagnosed early-stage disease, you can take an indifferent powder. Blisters formed on the affected area of skin, it is recommended to open and process the aniline dyes.

Cold compresses will bring relief during treatment vesiculobullous stage of the disease. Corticosteroid ointment to help get rid of the consequences of the disease.

It is not recommended to use corticosteroids only in the treatment of ulcerative dermatitis.

If the dermatitis is caused by a chemical burn, immediately flush the affected area with plenty of water. If you get an infection under the skin, you should use an ointment with disinfectant properties. Necrotic stage of the dermatitis requires treatment in a hospital.