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Urticaria in adults and children

Urticaria can easily be attributed to the very complex disease in terms of diagnosing the true causes of the skin rashes.

The fact that the term hives is not so much the name of a particular disease, how it combines multiple diseases that have similar clinical manifestations. Externally all this is reminiscent of the formation of blisters, as like nettle burn.

This is a fairly common skin disease and according to statistics it is observed every third person regardless of age.

The cause of the disease

The reasons for This are the most common causes, however, the phenomenon of urticaria continues to be studied and each year found new details of the disease.

Worsening hives always caused by one factor, it could be a food allergen or an insect bite, an acute reaction to the drug or its components.

But chronic hives, it is a pathology, and internal organs and not external factors.

Among the problems of the internal organs that may trigger hives, note:

  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal system, and it can be gastritis, peptic ulcer disease, colitis, intestinal dysbiosis.
  • Bacterial infections, and of particular danger in this case represent chronic infections that are localized in the urinary tract, in the oropharynx, bacterial gynecological diseases. Viruses and fungi are also aggravating factors, like parasites.
  • Problems of the endocrine sense. First of all we are talking about diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxicosis, hypothyroidism.
  • Connective tissue diseases are easily provocateurs urticaria, and rheumatoid arthritis it.
  • Oncology. Tumors, myeloma, carcinoma, chronic leukemia.


Manifestations of urticaria easy to see in numerous photos, they are explicit and difficult to ignore. First and foremost, the appearance on the skin blisters. The blister like a burn after nettle. The blister is always accompanied by itching, and the skin around the growths may blush.

The blisters tend to merge, in this case, the skin formed a huge merger.

Thus, the main symptom of urticaria is formation of blister, which can be perfectly seen on numerous photos.

Another important point in the disease, is its complete reversibility. After the bout is over and docked, the skin returns to its normal state. No the skin does not leave any scarring or pigmentation.

The next moment, which also helps with diagnosing hives is that the disease has no permanent location. Blisters can appear on anyarea of skin, and every day on the new, you can call this process migration of hives.

In principle, the symptoms, appearances of wheals, hives can be divided into acute and chronic. Of course, most often found acute urticaria in this case rashes and symptoms lasts for up to 6 weeks, but no more.

But in the case of chronic urticaria, this period can be much longer, plus do not forget about the relapses, which may lead the disease to flow for up to six months.