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Rosacea: what it is and how it looks?

Rosacea is a set of phenomena such as dilated visible blood vessels, small "star" on the face that occur due to violation of the elasticity of blood vessels and bleeding. If a couple of small knots and will have no significant impact on the appearance, you ignore a large formation will not succeed.

Quite often spider veins appear on the face, but in some cases may cover the chest area or other parts of the body. Especially predisposed to rosacea people with sensitive skin.


The causes of rosacea, quite a lot:

  • Sudden changes in temperature. Even a fairly rough male skin is covered with mesh of the blood vessels when exposed to high or low temperatures.
  • Bad habits: alcohol, Smoking. Even moderate use of alcohol has a strong effect on the blood vessels of the body and the rosacea appears on the face. And when Smoking vascular condition deteriorating, reduced their elasticity. Of course, the first to suffer the most delicate vessels – capillaries.
  • The ultraviolet light. To those who like to sunbathe in the sun or in the Solarium, not to forget that UV rays adversely affect the skin, causing premature skin aging. Vessels thus suffer no less and developed rosacea on my face.
  • Improper care. Many cosmetic procedures thinner and dehydrate the epidermis. This increases its susceptibility to other factors and harms the vascular network. As a result, the "stars" of redness, veins and other delights of overly aggressive care. Scrubs, harsh washcloths and face towels, lotions based on alcohol – to reduce the risk of development of rosacea should be excluded from the skin care.
  • An improper diet. Overly spicy food, the passion for salty foods, low intake of fruits and vegetables – these are the factors that negatively affect the condition of vessels, as a result of rosacea on the face.
  • Heredity. Not the last factor in the occurrence of rosacea. The probability of occurrence of vascular "stars" is big enough, if the next of kin is their manifestation.

Important! Dilated vessels often are the outward manifestations of internal diseases – hypertension, liver or endocrine disorders – diabetes, thyroid disease and doctor's advice should not be neglected.

The disease or cosmetic defect?

An isolated dilated capillaries – this is not a disease. They do not have a significant impact on the blood supply to the tissues in which located and do not cause harm, except for psychological discomfort, from the appearance of the skin.

If pathological changesdeep blood vessels – this is a disease. The blood supply to the tissue is much worse, which leads to sagging and unhealthy skin tone. At such sites, fast wrinkles, skin prematurely aging.

Treatment of rosacea

The main thing in the fight against vascular "asterisks" is perseverance and regularity. Get rid of the defect and to treat it extremely difficult – even after successful treatment it is quite likely that after some time he will reappear, especially if there is a genetic predisposition or skin sensitivities.

It is best to act in several directions:

  • power adjustment is to reduce the consumption of salt, spicy seasonings, to increase the proportion of vegetables in the daily diet, fruits should be on the table daily. Products that are not recommended with rosacea: citrus, cheese, chocolate, animal liver, sour cream and yogurt, beans, tomatoes;
  • the rejection of bad habits – if not to completely abandon Smoking, then you need to reduce the number of cigarettes smoked, alcohol is better not to use;
  • to unsubscribe from traumatic skin facial scrubs, harsh scourers. After washing, do not wipe the skin but merely DAB it with a towel or wait when she is dry, rosacea on the face leaves.

If finances allow you can cure rosacea at the clinic and go through special procedures in beauty salons to get rid of the manifestations. They are recommended in severe cases of rosacea. For getting rid of vascular net on the face use laser, electrocoagulation, injection of ozone, lymphatic drainage.

Quickly helps to clear and treat the dilated vessels chemical peel. Before any procedure is necessarily necessary to consult a beautician. Treatment of vascular "stars" can choose only a specialist, and he will be seen as the initial skin condition and the possible risks during cosmetic procedures.

Recommendation: it is not necessary to visit a bath or sauna if you have rosacea – spider veins may increase significantly.

If cosmetic surgery has had the desired effect, do not relax. To maintain the desired state of the skin must be constantly using all possible means below red "asterisks" not back again.

You should consult a dermatologist – he will choose the drugs that will cure the body from the inside, even if rosacea on the nose, the reasons inside! Perhaps this will have to go for more tests to exclude more severe disease, the manifestation of which can be rosacea on face treatment it will require only professional, is exactly that In the first place – to reviewthe contents of cosmetics. Need to discard any cosmetics containing alcohol. To remove makeup, special milk. Even cosmetics is better to buy at the pharmacy. Day cream should contain UV filters – this will help to protect the skin from photoaging, at night it is better to apply cream. If the symptoms of rosacea on the face greatly irritate is to use a special concealer pencil and concealer.

The next step should be taking vitamin preparations that will enable the complex to treat the problem, even if it's practically a pigmented spot on the face. The user should choose those complexes that contain vitamins P, K and C. Vitamin support necessary to conduct twice a year – best in spring and autumn.

The last step is to organize proper care.

The rules are simple:

  • no scrubs and stringent towel, mask film and the cosmetic clay is prohibited;
  • wash only with warm water – rubbing ice is contraindicated, steaming of the skin too;
  • creams should only be applied lightly and fingertips, no sponges and brushes;
  • to select a special mask from rosacea and regularly use;
  • do not use cosmetics containing honey, aloe, clove, eucalyptus, mint or menthol.

Sports – swimming, yoga, Pilates also strengthen the walls of blood vessels. If no time to visit the gym, Hiking a pretty good alternative.

In addition, it is possible to use national recipes of treatment of vascular "stars".

Folk remedies for rosacea – masks, lotions

To prepare the mask you can use a raw potato – peeled tuber RUB on a small grater and apply on face. Duration – 10 minutes. To remove the mask recommended chamomile extract (30g dried flowers in 200 ml of boiling water).

Important! The infusion should be warm, but in any case not hot!

The same infusion can make lotions and in places of a congestion of vascular "stars" – a warm infusion moisten a piece of cloth and put to the right place.

Well established homemade tonic, which you can wipe the face morning and evening.

Recipe tonic for the face: dry chamomile flowers (2 tablespoons) brewed in 500 ml of boiling water, and add 2 crushed tablets askorutin. Mixture mix well. It is necessary to store in refrigerator before use to warm a little.

In winter, sensitive skin is easily covered by red veins of blood vessels. To prevent this, traditional medicine advises to use a special mask:

1 teaspoon of any vegetable oil – Flaxseed, nectarine, olive – blended with the samea number of lanolin. For density is added to a small quantity of starch or talc (do not use flavored – just regular, unscented).

The mask is applied for 10-15 minutes, then wash off with warm water or decoction of chamomile.

This procedure is performed shortly before going outdoors will protect the skin from the negative effects of frost and winter winds.

If the goal is to clean the face from the red "stars" – we must act methodically, gradually changing lifestyle, proper care of the skin, abandoning bad habits, such direction will change everything. And succeed!