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Callus treatment - how to cure a blister on your foot

Blisters on the feet are classified as the troubles that are not a threat to human life. However, due to the fact that they cause mental and physical discomfort require treatment mandatory,and the change of shoes.

The cause of corns is a long-term mechanical effects (pressure, rubbing) on the skin area. In response to irritants occurs some reaction. Corn can also occur when wearing uncomfortable, tight and new, shoes. Let's talk today about how to quickly heal a blister, and if it is possible.

Types of calluses

Corns, which are formed on the feet, can be divided into two types — dry and wet and they do not depend on shoes.

Dry corn from strong thickening (much of the accumulated layer of dead skin cells) on the skin area. Corn differs from corns forming a rod of dead cells, is able to reside deep in the skin.

External types of such blisters resemble a small funnel. The most typical appearance of calluses dry for overweight people and those who like high heels. This ensures that the pressure on the skin of the foot, especially the lower part, increases markedly.

Wet blisters (bullae) — a widespread phenomenon as men and women of their species are found constantly. Their formation occurs in the process of rubbing the wet skin. The first signs of occurrence of wet corn in a particular area, is the redness and swelling.

By constant friction on this site occurs the appearance of a white bubble with clear fluid. If the corn is not treated, the bubble will eventually burst on their own, and in his place will start the formation of dry corn with a rod and here you need to know how to quickly heal a blister.

Bloody corn — a species of wet corn. In this case, the bubble formed at the location of the blood vessel, does not contain clear fluid and blood. The healing of these blisters is very long and quite unpleasant. At autopsy it is very easy to get infected, so it is impossible to treat this problem carefully. When purulent contents of the bladder should immediately contact your doctor, because to do their own autopsy is not recommended.

Home treatment of calluses on the feet

In order to get rid of corns at home that do not require large expenditures of time and money.

In the treatment process are used as medicines, otpuskaya without a prescription and many folk remedies.

Treatment of wet corns on feet

In the treatment of wet and dry corn there is a certain difference, however, will eliminate possible causes of their appearance. No needto wear uncomfortable shoes, socks with seams, embroidery and other elements, squeeze or RUB the skin.

Despite the fact that the formation of wet corn takes much less time to cure it can be much easier.

No need to reveal wet corn, or cut the skin over the wound surface (fraught with infection in the wound). The bladder and the skin around it is processed with alcohol, hydrogen peroxide or furatsilina, and other types of antiseptics to use. If so what are the kinds of blisters. Processing of corn is several times a day. Further injury is eliminated.

When an independent autopsy of corn, the skin forming the bubble to open in any case impossible. The damaged area lubricated salicylic ointment several times a day. It is necessary to dry the corn and prevent a wound infection.

For the treatment of wet callus were faster and more efficient, use special (not the usual bactericidal) corn plaster. Particularly effective action has a patch of Compeed (Compeed), creating an environment that is optimal for healing of the wound.

The application of any means for the treatment of wet callus produced on clean, dry surface. Therefore, before apply the ointment or paste the patch should thoroughly wash feet with soap, and then dry the skin.

Treatment dry calluses on the feet

Treatment dry calluses on the feet can occur at home. When chronic calluses may require several treatments. To remove dry calluses on his leg applied mechanical method after softening.

With the softening of corns are used in ointments and plasters, which are substances with keratolytic properties. The easiest and most budget option is salicylic ointment or a special cream softening action with urea, and creams "Banality" or "Super Intimately". Despite the fact that these means are different in composition, they have an identical principle of action and method of application.

Treatment of corns at home involves the application of creams, ointments, applying bandages, and other tools directly on the corn. Before apply the drugs, you should use a salt tray for steaming the skin of the feet.

In order to avoid falling therapeutic agents on the surrounding healthy skin, to the corn patch is glued with pre-cut hole the right size and shape. According to the instructions for preparation, the application of corn required amount of cream or ointment.

After that glued a piece of plastertop. Softening agent remains in plaster for up to 12 hours (time of applying medication indicated in the instructions). Then removes softened dead tissue by mechanical means (using careful scraping with a pumice stone or blade).

Equally effective for removing dry calluses is a cosmetic liquid called "Lekker-Stopmotion", which contains lactic acid that helps to eliminate for a few days, even the most inveterate corns. In the treatment process are used not only creams, ointments and liquids for dry calluses. No less popular and the special corn plaster "Sliped". To apply it simply. Cut of the patch of the desired size. The corn steams and dried, and the plaster is stuck on it for 1-2 days.

After the patch is removed, are the same procedure that after application of creams. This procedure can be repeated until then, until the corn disappears completely.

It is possible to treat corn and many folk remedies from the blisters on my feet. After steaming foot is best for a few hours (preferably overnight) to attach to the corns of crushed garlic, a paste of onion, aloe leaves with vinegar, lemon zest, etc., this contributes to the softening and easier removal of the corn.

Of course, with the help of folk remedies is possible not so quick to get rid of calluses compared to pharmaceutical drugs. However, this is a good option for people with sensitive skin (there are rare local reactions to the drugs from the blisters from the drugstore) that doesn't require additional costs.

Prevention of calluses

In order to avoid the appearance of calluses on the feet you need to wear only comfortable shoes and to care for the skin of the feet. Very effective periodic foot bath, in the process where the hardened skin is removed from stack, and the application of emollient cream.

In the initial stage of the formation of blisters, start its treatment as early as possible, because at the initial stage, getting rid of problems will be much faster.