Home / Diseases of the skin / Lentigines


Benign brown spots – lentigines, are caused by the fact that in the skin, in basalt layer, begin to form the pigment melanin formation. Visually lentigines like spots, they have a rounded form and swelling. Disease

Purchased lentigo is a consequence of disorders of the liver. In addition, he often begins to manifest itself on the skin in old age.

Here we define that a classification lentigo involves division of the disease according to type of reasons, and this:

  • Of solar lentigines.
  • Youth.
  • Senile.

The cause of solar lentigo is a frequent exposure to sunlight. Of course, that people with light skin are much more frequently affected by this disease. Plus, the older generation is also more exposed to the appearance of solar lentigines.

Important! Solar lentigines can appear after excessive tanning where the skin receives too high a dose.

The spots have a tendency to localize in the region of the hands, neck and face. Solar lentigo is not related to disease and has no physical effects on the body.

The reasons for youth lentigines so no one knows. Medicine was unable to figure out what leads to the appearance of spots on the skin at a young age, especially considering the fact that youth lentigines not provoked by ultraviolet light, has no Association with internal disease and pathologies.

The cause of age spots is to change the age. Visually this type of lentigo is a pigmented spots, flat and not raised above the skin.


Just note that if lentigo is not complicated, it is not subject to any treatment, in this case, the problem is more cosmetic in nature and plan.

Itself lentigines is harmless to humans. However, if there is a desire not to expose the skin of the danger of the appearance of age spots, you can simply follow the following rules for the prevention of the skin:

  • Do not expose your skin to prolonged exposure to sunlight.
  • Not overdoing it in the Solarium.
  • The use of special protective and restorative cream.
  • To maintain a healthy lifestyle in General.
  • Adhere to proper nutrition.

As for getting rid of lentigo, this applies primarily to those tumors that are frequently exposed to trauma. As a rule, the procedure for removal of pigmented spots in the form of nevus is surgically, and then subjected to cryodestruction.

As a whole, we can compare the treatment of lentigines with the procedures used in the treatment of freckles.That is talking about the lightening of pigmented lesions, if not subjected to surgical intervention.

As for removing senile lentigines, and here are a few suggestions, based on the process of rejuvenation of the skin. The so-called photorejuvenation procedure allows you to quickly get rid of stains on the skin.

The method assumes that the light pulse affects the upper and deep layers of the skin. Once inside the skin, the rays begin to stimulate the production of elastin fibers and collagen. Thus, includes the necessary physiological processes to rejuvenate the skin.

The method is always completely painless, allowing the patient to hold it on the most sensitive parts of the skin.

From the point of view of contraindications, method of photorejuvenation of the skin is not recommended during pregnancy and in the time of a fresh tan.

Important! Method to eliminate age spots with photo rejuvenation is suitable for the patient at any age, not just Mature.

Unconventional treatment

Not remained aloof from the problem spots and alternative medicine, which also offers a few of their methods.

For example, one of the recipes of masks from lentigo involves the use of:

  • A teaspoon of grated white soap.
  • One spoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide.
  • 2-3 drops of ammonia.

After mixing of all components is obtained a foamy mass, which the lubricated spots. Lubrication takes 15-20 minutes, after which all washed off.

Most natural juices are also well-proven in combat lentigines. This applies particularly to such as juice: cucumber, lemon, birch, Rowan, blackcurrant juice, grapefruit. It is important not to overdo it, a juice can burn the skin, if long time not to wash them.