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Microbial eczema: treatment,, pictures

Eczema refers to an inflammatory skin diseases that are not passed from person to person, being absolutely not contagious. Typically, eczema presents in the chronic form, with transient exacerbations.

Microbial eczema most often occurs in humans with a weakened immune defenses. With a low level of immunity, the human body becomes more susceptible for pathogens that enter into it. It is primarily about such common pathogens as

Microbial eczema is divided into three main types, which need to say. This:

  1. Varicose appearance. It occurs when varicose veins in the legs.
  2. Mycotic species. The core of the problem here fungus, which causes damage both skin and nail plates.
  3. Post-traumatic. Occurs in the place of damaged skin that do not heal for a long time.

Diagnosis of the disease

Accurately diagnose eczema only have a doctor and after a thorough study of the problem. It is necessary to conduct a medical history and consider all the options presence of mycosis or skin damage from abrasions and wounds.

Can be performed a skin scraping for further examination under the microscope, in extreme cases, and histological examination.


Unfortunately, as yet no accurate information on the reasons for the origin of eczema, so there is no universal cure. The focus of treatment is always holistic approach to bring the whole body to recovery, as this is the main conditions of successful therapy in the case of microbial eczema.

Important! Acquiring chronic eczema virtually not curable. However, it is possible to maintain the body at a high level of immunological protection that will not allow the recurrence to happen often enough!

The first step in the treatment of microbial eczema should limit exposure to trigger factors. In each case they are individual, but there are universal factors that always provoke eczema, regardless of the view:

  • Stress and excessive psychological stress.
  • The use of certain medications
  • Allergens.

The next step is the application of hyposensitization therapy in which a special place will occupy a sedative and an antihistamine, eczema is often accompanied by a strong itching.

Of course, is assigned and a course of vitamin therapy, which should compensate for the deficiency of certain minerals in the body that accelerate the regeneration of skin cells. In some cases, can be used hemodialysis, which plays an important role incleansing the blood.

If the form of microbial eczema is closer to moderate, the doctor prescribes a glucocorticosteroid means designed to stop the recurrence of eczema. In certain cases, such therapy becomes constant, and it is added further injections of vitamin b and C injection.

After treatment of the damaged surface of the skin glucocorticosteroid means the skin is subjected to irradiation treatment with ultraviolet light. You can also use and therapeutic mud.

Important! Damaged areas of the skin in any case can not be left in the open sun or in the cold. It is best to cover microbial eczema antiseptic dressings.

As regards local treatment, the ideal of retinol creams that have all the necessary conditions for the treatment of eczema, they have the following properties:

  • Antipruritic.
  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Antiseptic.

In addition, local treatment is always used neutral ointment and magmas, which are selected individually.

In some cases, the doctor may prescribe an ointment with antibiotics. The truth is used this ointment exactly as long as the infection is not excluded from the lesion of the skin, continue to use a topical antibiotic cream is not recommended, you can get the opposite effect.

Important! Antibiotic ointments are categorically contraindicated for use with fungal lesions of the skin.

And of course, the mainstay of treatment is always proper diet and elimination of allergens, such as citrus fruits, pickles, smoked meat, coffee. You will have to exclude alcohol and nicotine. Balanced diet, coupled with 4ointments and creams has a positive effect in the treatment of microbial eczema.