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Microsporia treatment, photos

Microsporia — what is it?

Microspores refers to the disease Zooantroponoznyh microsporia form is much more common in the European part, and the reason for here is the pathogen, but transmission is not from person to person, and from animal, as a rule, dogs or cats. And only in extremely rare cases, this form can be transmitted from an infected person.


The first thing to say about the incubation period of the disease. If the disease is a result of zoofilai varieties of ingestion of the microbe into the human body before the first signs of runs from one week to 15 days. If the causative agent anthropophily microbe, then the incubation period can last from 4 to 6 weeks.

With regard to clinical manifestations, they are directly dependent on the form of the disease. Note that when zoofiles fit all the symptoms and manifestations of the disease are presented quite clearly and markedly the reaction of inflammation visible. When anthropophilia fungal disease provokes a more moderate and erased symptoms and the lesions of the skin.

Note the main symptoms of the emergence of Microsporum:

  • On the scalp begin to form from one or several phases

    Rare, but symptoms may be pathological on the eyebrows or the nail plate, however, the inflammation of Microsporum in these parts of the surface occur in 1-2% of the total number of cases.

    A disorder in several ways:

    • The microscopic examination of the hair, which looks suspicious.
    • Fluorescent examination. Under the influence of rays of a special lamp all the affected areas of skin start to glow green.
    • Sowing for the presence of mycotic lesions.

    Treatment of Microsporum

    If microspores develops on the scalp, the doctor needs to isolate the patient. It should be noted that children who have had microsporia shall before again to start to attend education or preschool, to undergo three cycles of the survey and only three negative testimony, may be admitted to classes.

    Three negative conclusions must be in the following form:

    • The fluorescent analysis under a special lamp.
    • Microscopic examination.
    • Disinfection in the home and visual inspection.

    Treatment of Microsporum takes a comprehensive approach in which in first place is traditionally a local application of ointments and creams, and the use of disinfectants, iodine. Drugs, of course, proteoliticheskaja type.

    In addition to local use, medicinalmeans should be taken orally. First and foremost, this drug acts as griseofulvin, which is taken after consultation with a doctor, dermatologist sets required for each individual case, the dosage.

    The treatment of Microsporum no specific time frame, medication and local treatment continues as long as the disease is not cured completely and three consecutive laboratory analysis did not show negative results.

    As an additional course along with the preparations you can start to carry out restorative treatment, which usually consists of diet, exercise, gymnastics and zakalivanii to strengthen the immune system.