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Corn on the finger - how to treat

Blister on your little finger, or as they call it in medicine, hyperkeratosis, is a seal on the skin, which appeared because of continuous and excessive exposure to it. Mostly corns appear on the toes or on the heels. Usually corn is harmless. But this does not mean that we should not take his medication, and just to seal the plaster. In some cases, it could damage and the ingress of bacteria under the skin. It is also possible a pressure blister on the periosteum with deep penetration.

The causes of calluses

  • The wrong size shoes, tight or too free;
  • Weight;
  • Lack of vitamin A;
  • Diseases of the skin;
  • Flat feet and other orthopedic problems;
  • Elevated sugar levels in the blood;
  • Fungal diseases of the skin.

What are corn

Water blisters

They represent a seal, filled with clear fluid, sometimes mixed with blood. They arise as a result of wearing uncomfortable shoes mainly on the big toe. It appears a few hours after exposure to the skin. First, the skin reddens, then at this point there is a seal with the liquid.

The appearance of water blisters don't need to pierce and to remove the liquid. When such action infection of the skin and further suppuration. The best treatment will fix the problem the occurrence of such blisters, e.g., uncomfortable shoes. In a few days the corn will not be over.


This type of corn is formed not on the skin and on the bone. The cause may be an improperly healed fracture or dislocation, and permanent effects on the bone.

In this bone for some time growing cartilage, which turns into a callus. Removal and treatment of these blisters occurs only surgically.

Dry corn

These blisters most often appear on the fingers or soles. They can be of different thickness. Dry corn represent a rough layer of yellow skin covered with cracks. Such corn when walking recalls his painful sensations and burning and always requires treatment.


It seals the skin, which arise during long-term wear uncomfortable shoes or walking barefoot. Most commonly they appear on the feet at the base of the big toe or on the heels. Also most likely the appearance of plantar callosities in people with flat feet, always require treatment.

Corn in the form of a rod

This core education, which is located in the centre of inflammation and penetrates deep into the skin layers. Such corn is very difficult to remove. When you try to get rid of itremoved only the upper part, and the core remains in the skin, so the treatment continues.

Most often, these corns appear between the toes or on the sole. When walking, people with calluses experiences pain and cannot remain long on his feet.

Medicine in the fight against blisters

Developed many medicines that are treatment and help in the fight against blisters. This variety of plasters and ointments, and in more serious cases removal with laser or liquid nitrogen, as a more modern treatment. Also practiced the removal of corns surgically, and the outdoor use in General, calluses on the fingers will be deleted!

To remove dry calluses, corns or calluses rod will be an effective treatment patch, which contains salicylic acid. This patch eliminates calluses even our mothers and grandmothers and proved its effectiveness.

Before using it you need to steam the corn to become soft, and now you can think of, a thorough to fix it. Better this procedure is done for the night. After each use corn or corns will become softer and you can easily remove.

Well softens the skin keratolytic ointments and gels. These funds are readily available in any pharmacy. With regular use hardened skin becomes soft and removed. Grease corn by such means also better at night after a warm foot bath.

Get rid of calluses or rough skin, even if they are dry will help in a beauty salon. Pedicure have a variety of nozzles that remove and grind the Horny layer of the skin and this kind of treatment can remove and blister on fingers. After a few visits to a good master legs will look smooth and well groomed and calluses will be forgotten.

More serious cases, such as stem and callus is not recommended to treat themselves. You must seek the advice of a doctor. In most cases, the removal of stem calluses will not take much time. To remove them use liquid nitrogen or laser. Removal procedure is painless and effective, can effectively remove a callus on the big toe like a blister on your little finger.

Bone dry growths are not subject to medical treatment. They are removed only surgically. After removal of calluses need a little time to rest, after which the person will not be disturbed by pain and discomfort.

Folk remedies for treatment of corns

Very often the tools that will help to get rid of corns are at hand and every home owner. Can only bepatience and use it to remove annoying calluses.

The lemon softens rough skin. On clean skin area is enough to put a slice of lemon with the skin on, firmly to fix it and leave overnight. In the morning remove the lemon. After several applications from the blister will not remain a trace.

Al can also be used in the fight against blisters. To do this, simply take a small piece of aloe leaf, cut it into two parts and it will be fine to treat a blister on your toe. One part is applied to calluses and fix it. Morning al can be removed. After one application the skin will become soft and it easily can be removed, even if it is a dry blister on your little finger.

Potatoes are a good tool in the fight against calluses and to treat dry corns. It's enough to take small fruit, peel it and chop. The resulting slurry is applied to clean feet. Top wear plastic socks or bags and leave for the night. In the morning rinse the potato pulp and clean the foot is dry corn treatment takes.

Well soften the skin of the feet, like a blister on the toe bath with baking soda or potassium permanganate. To make them simply. Enough to dissolve well in warm water potassium permanganate to a pale pink color and add a few drops of boric alcohol. To obtain soda in the bath to dissolve in water 2 tablespoons of baking soda. After which the bath is ready, you should keep her legs 15-20 minutes. After wipe dry and grease nourishing cream.

In the fight with rough skin and calluses to cure the disease will help the juice mother and stepmother. For the treatment need fresh juice from the leaves of this plant. They need liberally steamed skin of the feet. Do this procedure several times a day.

Advice on how to escape this horrible PLA th re-appearance of the calluses on my fingers

This advice applies to women. Of course, the beauty demands victims, and high heel shoes look very nice. But gait women should be light and feminine, and with the presence of foot calluses and corns it is unlikely to be such. Not worth it to force yourself. Do not wear high-heel shoes every day. It's better to be shoes with a small heel for everyday wear. They look no less impressive, and the legs will rest.

In order to avoid re-occurrence of blisters every night before going to bed can massage the feet. The result will be better if apply a variety of emollient oils.

And most importantly — do not try to treat and remove calluses with sharp objects. They can injure the skin and put under the skin of various microbes. This will lead to more trouble than a simple blister on your little finger.

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