Home / Diseases of the skin / Diaper rash in groin in women

Diaper rash in groin in women

Intertrigo is an inflammatory lesion or a simple irritation which is formed on the skin. The characteristic signs of diaper rash are always the redness and itching.

Diaper rash most often appear in places of contact of the skin is armpits, mezhyagodichnoy folds, the folds that are formed under Breasts in obese people. However, in practice, the most often, diaper rash is formed in the groin area. This is what we will now discuss, in relation to women.

Causes of diaper rash in the groin

Can be considered the main causes of diaper rash in the groin. As diaper rash, treat dermatitis, it will pay special attention to:

  • Excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis. The disease can be the consequence not only of the imperfect functioning of the sebaceous glands, but also to treat serious diseases. First and foremost, it can be tuberculosis or dystonia.
  • Allergic reaction. Allergies can develop as on clothing, for example, for synthetics and certain hygiene products. As for women, common cause of allergies may be the use of hygienic pads from non-natural material.

  • Failure to comply with hygiene standards. All the waste products of our body are an excellent biological material and environment to the rapid development of entire colonies of pathogenic microorganisms. The list may include

    The effect of cauterization may take several years, however, there are some side effects, such as falling sweating in the groin area may excessively occur in other parts of the body.

    As for removing diaper rash as a manifestation of the skin of the character, here is some directions in the treatment.

    First, it is ointments and creams for topical application. Need to be chosen after consultation with a dermatologist, who will determine exactly the cause. The fact is that if the dermatitis caused by the growth of fungus Candida or Streptococcus, for example, the treatment is slightly different.

    Second, you can use herbal treatment. Diaper rash, itching, inflammation can be removed with decoctions of herbs, whose components just have antiseptic properties.

    Important! Any folk remedies diaper rash you need to apply easily, in the form of a rinse or compress, so as not to further injure the damaged areas of the skin.


    Preventive measures consist of a simple set of rules:

    • Clothes should be from natural materials and the size, not making too narrow models.
    • At least twice a day is recommended to wash with warm water and soap.
    • From the diet to exclude saltand spicy dishes, they always contribute to increased sweating.

    In most cases, if the time to start treating diaper rash it is easy to resolve. Otherwise, if neglected, diaper rash can develop into eczema or the skin can form long not healing ulcers.