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Lice: treatment and prevention of disease

Lice, quite common type of skin parasites. Having a very small size, they nevertheless are a huge problem for humans.

Moreover, they cause severe skin irritation, and act as vectors of various infectious diseases, among which typhus! Lose head lice is called pediculosis, and is characterized by a high rate of proliferation.

This is especially evident with the appearance of parasites in children. Among them the infection of lice spreads almost instantly. Primarily this is due to the close contact between the children and this is due to the use of personal belongings to each other.

In General, lice that have the ability to lead a parasitic way of life that is in man, three of a kind, this:

  • Parasite head;
  • A louse wardrobe;
  • The pubic louse.

The most common is the head louse. Parasites often appear in the hair, and they can be easily overlooked on the back of the person and the skin behind the ears. Parasites, females lay very small eggs, which, because of the structural features of the shell, tightly adhering to one or more of the hair on the head is called head lice.

Runs from 7 to 10 days, and eggs hatch a new batch of lice, thus infecting human is in a continual process. Usually when head lice condition is manifested pronounced itching in the locations of the lice. Treatment, in principle, quite simple and there are a few effective ways of getting rid of parasites. However, first consider the basic premises that set a precedent of head lice.

The main reasons

As soon as lice get on the scalp, pubic, depending on the species of lice, they start to multiply and feed on human blood. Reproduction occurs within weeks, and within a week, in your hair, you can find a lot of eggs.

After weeks of eggs, there is a new batch of parasites that are a maximum of 14 days able to re-reproduction. The transfer of lice from person to person can occur through the sharing of simple things, combs, buttons, hairpins, as well as by contact with personal belongings of the person, for example, with a pillow or towel.

The symptoms of head lice

The main symptom of head lice is intense itching in the localization of lice. It is caused by waste products of the parasites and is a reaction of organism to contact with foreign bodies Especially frustrating when itching leadsto intense scratching, as is often the case if the lice in a child.

Children instinctively scratch their heads trying to get rid of the itch, only more aggravate the situation. You can often see signs of scratching which the patient leaves the head, neck, and hair clearly visible lice eggs, outwardly it all looks like dandruff, however, to shake this "dandruff" is almost impossible, nits firmly attached to hair.

During the acute forms of lice can be diagnosed swollen lymph nodes in the neck.


Scratches and scrapes on the skin can lead to bacterial infections. The rapid spread of head lice easily causes the whole epidemic in the school and preschool. There is always the danger of an uncontrolled outbreak of typhus.

How to treat the disease?

There are special shampoos and lotions, the task of which is the complete destruction of lice and as a result of head lice. After treating the hair, you have to dry them, but the dead parasites and their waste products, remove with a comb.

The treatment procedure will need to be repeated every seven days until completely get rid of the parasites. The fact that the tool does not destroy the eggs, but only hatched parasites. For hair removal you can use the combs in vinegar. Vinegar, heated, and brush constantly dipped in it, and lice eggs combed perfectly.

The appearance of lice on one family member, all the others have to prevent some time to process scalp special shampoo. The entire wardrobe, especially the hats, caps, urgently taken to the dry cleaner, and combs, barrettes and so on, to soak in the lotion anti-lice, or plain rubbing alcohol for a few hours, after all thoroughly wash. All linen should be boiled, and carpets to vacuum.

Medical care and prevention

Some details should be discussed with your doctor and he should prescribe medicines based on the overall tolerability of the patient components of the lotion or shampoo. Prevention of head lice is simply sticking to a few simple rules:

  • Make contact with an infected person to a minimum;
  • Do not use personal belongings of another person, especially relating to hair.

If the school or kindergarten, was discovered the head lice, the child should be carefully examine, and to take preventive measures. At the slightest suspicion of head lice, iscarefully inspect the head and hair several times to wash your hair with a special shampoo against lice.