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Pruritus: symptoms, pictures and treatment

What is pruritus?

There are three types of pruritus:

  • Children's;
  • Old;
  • Hub.

In children the pruritus is provoked by a high sensitivity to breast milk, or caseinogen, the protein contained in cow's milk. One-year-old child pruritus may trigger allergic to citrus, strawberry, fish, chocolate.

Symptoms of pruritus

The main manifestation of pruritus is always itching, which manifests itself in the form of attacks. The skin of the face, body, buttocks, exposed to the rash such as hives (see photo). As a rule, to stop the symptoms of pruritus can be simply abandoning the feeding of breast milk, but in some cases the disease passes into the chronic stage, and it is pruritus adults, primarily in the treatment of pruritus, the huge role is played by the diet. Children should not overfeed breast milk, and should, as early as possible to start to enter into the diet of cottage cheese, yogurt, carrot juice.

Children under 7 years, for example, it is recommended to include in the diet, as many fruits and vegetables, greens in large quantities. Especially a lot of useful benefits of eating carrots, cabbage, spinach, sorrel, peas. It is also mandatory dairy food such as kefir and yogurt.

Meat should be beef, let it be boiled beef, for example. At this age the child's need to limit the overuse of table salt, and fatty food, in which high content of carbohydrates.

You can make a table of protein intake for children diagnosed with exudative-catarrhal diathesis. All data are calculated on the basis of the child's age and physiological norms.

  • 0-3 month, you need to 2.5 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day;
  • 3-6 months, three grams per kilogram;
  • 6 months or a year, up to 4 grams a day per kilogram of body weight.

The consumption of fats and carbohydrates should be regulated, and is at a level lower than the physiological norm. One kilogram of body weight, after years, you need 6-7 grams of fat, and 12-15 grams of carbohydrates.

Naturally, from diet to exclude all allergens that can cause dermatitis and itching.

Women during pregnancy and lactation, should also impose dietary restrictions in your diet. For example, should be harmoniously distributed in the diet eggs, meat, pickles, fish and citrus, not overly leaning to one of these types of food. As a perfect diet can result inexample vegetables, fruits, greens and boiled beef.

It is mandatory to conduct analysis to identify helminth, moreover, that the body must be cleaned from parasites, ascarids still have a serious influence on the shaping in the child's allergies.

To reduce the likelihood of developing allergies in children, the treatment of chronic infections, tonsillitis, carious teeth, etc.

Herbal remedies for children

The list of therapeutic drugs for children lead the antihistamines and sedatives and vitamins A and B. they are Used as rutin, ascorbic acid, neyroplegicheskie drugs.

If the pruritus is showing signs of stability, and the illness continues, shall be appointed glucocorticoid drugs. Here it is necessary to give small doses and gradually reduce them.

Active participation in the treatment accept ultraviolet rays, and at home it's bathrooms with the decoctions on the basis of bran, chamomile, oak bark.

It is important and natural treatment, well, then there's a trip to the sea, spending time in the sea air and sea water.

The outer treatment is in combating the pruritus. The main tools are ointments and creams, water-zinc talkers corticoids, glycerin. The presence of pustules on the skin suggests their mechanical opening and lubrication solution of potassium permanganate, and a weak solution of nitrate of silver. But peel already require the use of ointments, for example, Locacorten, Geocorona.

And of course, an accurate diagnosis must be made independently, and at a reception at the dermatologist or the infectious disease.