Home / Diseases of the skin / Skin cancer: stages, symptoms, symptoms, photos

Skin cancer: stages, symptoms, symptoms, photos

Skin cancer can be attributed to one of the most dangerous diseases faced by people. And cancer can easily appear on any area of the skin, for the origin of cancer it is necessary that any mole with a cancer cell beginning to be reborn.

Important! Among all cancers skin cancer is about 5%, but it is no less dangerous disease.


All the symptoms of skin cancer are quite pronounced and easily determined visually. Often turning a mole on the open area of the body. Among the manifestations of cancer of the skin there is a classification:

  • Squamous cell carcinoma of the skin.
  • Basal cell carcinoma.

Important! The second type develops from a sebaceous gland or hair follicle on the skin.

The first signs of occurrence of cancer of the skin can be bumpy growths on the location of the moles on your body. This symptom can occur when a bacterial treatment for wounds or sores on the skin.

It should be noted that special attention to the condition of the skin should be given to the elderly because age factor has a major impact on the vulnerability of the skin.

All the signs and symptoms of skin cancer is always divided depending on the stage of the cancer. However, we can say that just before the rebirth of the mole, for example, there is a pre-cancerous condition which gradually transformirovalsya in Oncology. However, it is possible to bring the first signs of skin cancer:

  • Redness of the skin.
  • Peeling.
  • Itching.
  • Expression of the moles.
  • The increase in size

    Simple damage to the skin, in the form of injury or burns, in which still touches the mole, can also cause the beginning of cancerous transformation. However, this rarely happens.

    Skin cancer can cause and the long-term exposure to ionizing radiation, although this is a fairly specific cause.

    Stages of skin cancer

    5 varies stage of development of skin cancer:

    The primary stage is called "zero". This definition is a consequence of the fact that cancer, the tumor affects only the upper layers of the epidermis and have not molded inside. The first stage always gives a favorable prognosis associated with early detection of cancer and its cure.

    The first stage is characterized by penetration of the cancer into the deeper layers of the skin. Stage is characterized by the fact that the tumor has already been formed and can be up to a thickness of two millimeters.

    At this stage, the cancer is still local, not spread in the skin and does not detect metastases in lymph nodes.

    Important! Here, asat zero stage, with timely treatment to the doctor, you can ensure full recovery.

    In the second stage of cancer the tumor has already reached a thickness up to 4 mm. Lymph nodes still do not undergo metastasis. However, the patient may really feel a change on the skin, since the swelling will be painful.

    Here the correct and timely treatment ensures deliverance from cancer in half of the cases.

    Lymph nodes are subjected to defeat in the third stage of skin cancer, however this disease is not yet reaches farther. The ulcer begins to shawlette and on the edges there are cusps. This stage is already very close to fatal as the treatment gives a favorable prognosis only in 30% of cases.

    In the fourth stage of skin cancer metastases already spread throughout the body, the first organs, which falls under the blow of metastases are the lungs. After metastatic spread to the liver.

    This stage is characterized by almost constant bleeding from the affected skin area, as well as complete intoxication. According to statistics, can survive in the fourth stage, only 20% of patients.

    Treatment of skin cancer

    Today, the treatment of skin cancer presents in two forms is surgical excision and radiation treatment. Depending on the cancer, aggressive or rapid, the doctor prescribes a therapy.

    When talking about surgical excision, the excised not only the affected area but also the surrounding tissue, the surgeon tries to remove the maximum amount of tissue that may contain cancer cells.

    Radiotherapy is often not give such a cosmetic defect, such as surgery. Gamma-irradiation is able to show excellent results in the treatment of skin cancer.