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Solar dermatitis: signs and prevention

The origin of such diseases as solar dermatitis, based on extracting the skin under the influence of the sun active biological substances (such, for example, as acetylcholine, histamine).

Data of active substance and are the cause of skin rashes, redness. This disease affects not all men, but only those who have enhanced susceptibility to the influence of the direct rays of the sun. This phenomenon in medicine called hyperactivity photosensitizers.

The symptoms of the disease in solar dermatitis seen in individuals with prolonged being exposed to direct sunlight. As a rule, the skin reaction is based on the influence of rays of short – wave blue or ultraviolet.

The reason for the appearance and intensity of the progression of the disease and its symptoms are associated with subjective indicators of a person's skin – the degree of susceptibility, the duration of being in the sun, as seen in the photo.

Solar dermatitis often occurs on the abdomen, back, chest. Sometimes the signs of disease are observed on the skin of the thighs, face, neck, and shoulders.

Less susceptible to the disease, people with dark pigmented skin, stronger this disease predisposed people with white skin, and albinos.


What are the main symptoms of this disease? Usually the disease manifests itself the following main features:

  • some swelling and puffiness of the skin, as pictured;
  • the manifestation of redness;
  • painful sensations on the skin;
  • the emergence of intense itching.

Prolonged sun exposure on the skin surface bubbles appear, if they are open, it will flow out the liquid of transparent color.

No need to compare this disease with standard burn that occurs on the skin too quickly.

The signs of solar dermatitis appear after a short period of time (several hours later) after a person has passed under the canopy shade, as you can see from the photo.

In addition to skin rashes disease is accompanied by hyperthermia, severe headache, nausea, weakness, dizziness, in some cases it is even possible to answer, If solar dermatitis, when there is the appearance of the rash in the form of bubbles, the rash should be cleaned with alcohol, hydrogen peroxide or potassium permanganate, as in the photo.

The resulting bubbles need to be punctured to release liquid, then cover them with aniline structure. On the area of skin erosion, which was formed after the rash, applied anti-bacterial properties. Once the skin will cease to be wet, you can use the ointment if symptoms allow, as seen in the photo.

When solar dermatitis in the acute formyou have to process the epidermis of Cologne, and also helps boric vaseline. Prescribed lotion to cool and cream against inflammation.

Treatment of persistent forms of solar dermatitis is carried out using a complex medium – glucocorticoids. In some cases, advised to take cytostatic drugs – Cyclophosphamide. In addition, used antihistamines (loratadine, Suprastin, Fenkarol), as well as drugs against inflammation (Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Nurofen).

Patients suffering from solar dermatitis, you should take medicines to strengthen the immune system and know, solar dermatitis – a local or generalized response of the skin to the direct influence of ultraviolet rays, which appears in humans with increased susceptibility of the skin to the sun's rays.

Solar dermatitis is associated and that is accompanied by severe weakness, headache, Allergy sore throat, dizziness, hyperthermia. The human epidermis is reddish, edema, in some cases, it appears the bubbles that fills the liquid transparent color.

Therapy solar dermatitis should start with reducing the time of stay of the patient under ultraviolet light. Dermatologists also prescribe antihistamines and drugs, anti-inflammatory, moisturizing cream, soothing ointment.

Skin covered with rashes, it is recommended to lubricate for disinfection with hydrogen peroxide, rubbing alcohol or a weak solution of potassium permanganate, it is reassuring to solar dermatitis, which is evident from the many photos