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Dry skin: causes, masks, reviews

A huge percentage of modern women are suffering from dry skin. And this problem is compounded by the peeling of the skin and sometimes a feeling of stiffness of skin which can not be called pleasant.

Of course, that this background arises a lot of questions about how to moisturize, and most importantly, how to prevent constant dryness of the skin, what to use cosmetic products and masks for dry skin.

For starters, you need to understand the reasons which can cause dry, then bring out your individual, eliminate it, only way it will be possible to completely solve the problem, not to hide her skin.

Causes of dry skin

To ensure that the skin is dry, can be quite a lot of reasons. All depends on the individual and on the climate, however, we identify the main factors that affect dry skin:

  • Problems with the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Simply put the skin naturally moisturized.
  • Changes in the functioning of the skin associated with age.
  • Problems

    Important! Despite the fact that the problem does not seem serious, to be checked by a doctor, take some tests, not hurt. Precipitating factor may be as minor external impact, and the problem with internal organs.

    How to normalize the skin condition

    Cosmetology offers many ways to put the skin in normal conditions, will describe a few common methods that every woman can use independently.

    Primarily recommended for dry skin hot compress. The effectiveness of the method is that under the influence of temperature the blood vessels of the skin widen, the blood begins to enrich the epidermis. From the surface of the skin are removed and the dust and dead skin cells. The Horny layer swells, and the skin becomes normal, getting rid of dryness.

    You can also offer:

    • Salt cleaning.
    • Chemical and mechanical exfoliation, which removes dead cells and this will help to restore the normal moisture of the skin.
    • Collagen facial mask is also able to provide moisturizing effects on the skin.
    • Cosmetic massage.

    That can be done at home, is always allocated to a steam bath with herbs. Over boiling broth, for example, chamomile should be tilted so that steam was in the face, cover with a towel and give a couple to impregnate the skin. The main thing is not to put the pot on a high heat. The procedure lasts a minimum of 10 minutes, after which the face should be rinsed with cold water and apply a moisturizer.

    But the easiest way is the one with which we started – just a warm compress. This towel dipped in warmwater otzyvaetsya and superimposed on a face for 15-20 minutes. This is enough to increase blood flow to the skin and saturate the stratum corneum to moisturize it.

    Mask for dry skin

    Mask to counteract the dry skin can be made at home, non-traditional cosmetology, so to speak, there are lots of interesting recipes.

    Before you approach them, remember that everything needs to be done in the complex, and if the goal is to improve the condition of the skin that this must be done comprehensively. For this you can follow the following guidelines:

    • A mandatory regime of fluid intake. Calculated using the formula 1 kg of weight should be 30 grams of water. That is, when the weight is 50 kg you should drink at least half a liter of fluid.
    • In the diet must receive fish oil will vmese with vitamins A and E.
    • For apartment you can buy a humidifier and freeing the skin from external factors, which can lead to dry skin.

    However, the most effective means in the fight against dry skin remain masks. Here we are talking about a large number of masks from herbs, chamomile, calendula, fruit and vegetables, dairy products, in General, of all that easy to find and easy to use in the preparation of the mask.

    And masks, cooked at home, possess the main qualities for the normalization of the skin condition. Here you can talk about moisturizing, smoothing skin and its rejuvenation. Normalized water balance of the Horny layer and restores elasticity.

    Well, the most simple, but effective, can be:

    1. Mustard mask with a teaspoon of mustard and a tablespoon of vegetable oil. Substance is applied to the face for 5 minutes, after which rinse under warm water.
    2. Cottage cheese mask, in which a spoonful of curd is mixed with heated honey with one teaspoon of honey. Diluted for application milk is on the skin for 15 minutes.
    3. Mask of oil. A cotton swab with warm olive oil is applied on face, after 30 minutes the mask is washed off.

    Plus a variety of herbal mask from dry skin based on herbs. Select the mask on the assumption of a personal preference.