Home / Diseases of the skin / Rash on legs pictures of rashes in children and adults, causes and treatment itch

Rash on legs pictures of rashes in children and adults, causes and treatment itch

If the rash appears on the legs, it is easy to recognize the condition of the skin, because they externally will be significantly different, as in colour and other characteristic features. In addition, red rash on legs may just be the beginning and start on other parts of the body, on the hands, feet, and mucous, pictures of rashes are always colorful.

сыпь на ногахWhen this phenomenon is observed redness and discomfort in problem areas, especially frustrating when it is on the feet. This reaction can be a result of various infections or allergens. Skin rash may indicate the early development of any disease in the body, because they can be quite a lot.

If the rash on my legs itches and bothers more than a couple of days, and it is red and painful, these symptoms suggest the urgent need to consult a doctor for qualified help.

If the rash appeared in an adult

Any changes in the condition of the skin in the form of red dots on the hands, feet and body, the adult can say that it is time to visit a dermatologist or other doctor. Skin rash in an adult may occur for various reasons, for example:

  • trauma to the skin, which are accompanied by scratches, photo damage are common;
  • These places are characterized by rather delicate skin that is often prone to irritation occurs.

    Pathological changes in the form of rashes on the hands and feet are often the consequence of a defective observance of elementary rules of personal hygiene.

    All other reasons for this skin defect will carry diseases, such as athlete's foot and genital herpes.

    The rash is on the legs are observed quite rarely. More often the rash can be on any other part of the skin. Rash on lower extremities will be bright enough and characteristic symptom of various diseases. Depending on the nature of the rash can be determine the disease.

    Rash visual manifestations

    Change skin on hands and feet in adults may be different. This is often a rash on the legs, however, there are other, less specific symptoms:

    • cover. They are quite dense to the touch and are characterized by black or brown color. They can appear in those places where there were erosions, ulcers and blisters. Such formations are the direct evidence of the recovery of the skin;
    • scales. These represent particles peeling of the skin;
    • spots. They are commonly called maculae. These spots are changing color, but are completely on the same levelthe surface of the skin. They can be both red and white. Spot is bright the symptoms of dermatitis, drug reaction, vitiligo and syphilitic roseola. As for the spots as freckles, sunburn and moles, they are caused by the pigmented, sometimes there are Some cases of skin rashes on legs, and especially if the rash all over the body of an adult covers, photos of such problems are always there in the Internet, provides emergency medical care because these signs can be symptoms of serious pathologies.

      For this reason, it is not recommended to lose precious time and immediately consult a dermatologist. Such States can be quite threatening for the preservation of life or are there serious preconditions for the development of complications.

      To call an ambulance follows in such cases:

      • there is an increase in body temperature and General malaise, rash and a rash on the feet;
      • there is a burning sensation, bleeding, tingling and the appearance of blisters. In these cases a dermatologist;
      • as a result of a tick bite rash around the affected area, which is visible on any photo, and in the center there is a red spot. Such signs require the attention of infectious disease;
      • after consumption of medication symptoms rash what are the prerequisites to go to the allergist;
      • the appearance of little black and purple spots with a strong headache and drowsiness is a serious and alarming symptom involving put off calling an ambulance.

      How to troubleshoot rash

      In order to get rid of skin rashes on legs, it is important to try to use a variety of ways, however, it is important to know the true reason for their appearance.

      It is necessary to consult a dermatologist who will recommend relevant and effective methods of treatment. It can be drugs.