Home / Diseases of the skin / A body rash: how to treat skin rash in an adult

A body rash: how to treat skin rash in an adult

On the surface of the body appeared red rash. People are anxious and experiencing discomfort and itching. The following questions arise: what reasons provoked a rash on the body and how to treat it, if you need the help of a specialist dermatologist?

The decision of the first questions covers the information in this material, and the third can be answered immediately: the help of a dermatologist, of course, necessary, as the rash on the body of an adult may be several reasons. And take a closer look.

Types of rashes

A body rash in an adult is due to a number of specific reasons. They can be infectious, non-infectious (allergic reaction due to heart disease and blood vessels, due to improper hygienic care of the body, etc.).

Non-infectious rashes allergic:

  • Atopic dermatitis, in other words, eczema. Appears in people who suffer from asthma or are suffering fall fever. The main symptom of the disease – red rashes and severe itching. They are located in the area of wrists, ankles and on the face and neck. Itching can be not just strong, but also accompanied by pain, the patient is constantly itching.
  • Dermatitis contact. And red rash caused by direct contact with allergic stimuli or elements, which provoke itching of the skin. Single chemical substances are both allergens and irritants. In this disease the rash appears on the whole body. Sometimes the cause of the rash is allergic to vegetation, ornaments of metal or cosmetics, and the patient scratched. Jewelry with Nickel content especially provoke an allergic rash.
  • Dermatitis stasis. The watery eruptions on the surface of the body. They are also called bubble rashes, so how is the liquid inside the blisters. Usually such rashes tend to appear on the legs. In this disease because of poor circulation there is a constant swelling and itching.

For the prevention of allergic rash diet, strengthen the immune system, lead a healthy lifestyle.

If rash on body adult is allergic to foods, you must consult a gastroenterologist.

Other types of non-infectious rashes

Eczema nummular. It is not classified to the “non-infectious Allergy of the skin” as the causation of the appearance lies in the failure of the endocrine and nervous system, and allergic elements only aggravate the disease, but not able to call, it answers the question, how did the rash.

The main characteristic symptom of nummular eczema – rash with the presence of pustules on the body that appear in the form of blisters and itching.

Blisters located onskin form clusters. They look like coins, hence the disease is called nummular. Individual patients have noted that small water rashes appeared with pus, which is located in the cavity of the blister.

Rash red with the presence of pus tend to occur in winter and skin in their place itches. At this time, the skin lacks moisture, vitamins, so the skin becomes dry, and as a result rash.

Psoriasis. The essence of this disease is still not completely known, doctors argue about the autoimmune manifestation of the disease. Like dermatitis accompanied by a rash on the body in the form of smooth papules of different sizes.

After a while after the eruption the papules are combined, and formed plaque red-pink color. Covered by silvery-white scales.

Non-infectious rashes after sea, sun, sweat

Often during the summer heat on the skin appear white rashes. It may seem that the body was covered with small bubbles of white color.

Such rashes on the body caused by excessive activity of sweat glands and their blockage. Rash strong or as separate elements. This may be for Example, a small rash in the form of flakes on the legs, arms and body is the manifestation of different forms of dermatitis that itches and itches, it is confused with ringworm. If you develop red rashes small and red, as we have said.

Education is not raised above the skin and do not change color when pressed hard. This differs meningitis, as in other infections during the depression, a rash becomes pale, or takes place at all. With the disease of meningitis rash grows in patches and appear in clean places. More about him you can learn from our articles Meningitis the symptoms for all forms of the disease.

Therapy rashes

The main condition is the recourse to experts, as the description of the rash does not always match the type of the disease. Rashes can be of different types, so to determine the nature of the rash and its cause can only be a doctor. On the basis of the tests is assigned a corresponding treatment of the disease.

To get rid of itching and other discomfort using medication without a prescription:

  • means in the form of ointments;
  • antihistamines;
  • lotions to hydrate the skin.

Antihistamines can cause the flabby, weak condition and lower level of efficiency, so they are prescribed quite carefully.

There are also folk treatments, but before applying them you need to consult with your doctor.