Home / Diseases of the skin / Rash in infants pictures of rashes on the head (face and cheeks) and butt babies

Rash in infants pictures of rashes on the head (face and cheeks) and butt babies

A baby's skin, especially newborn, is very often covered with a variety of rashes and bumps, seals and irregularities for infants, all this is quite a normal phenomenon which should not be immediately intimidated.

Most importantly, the ability to distinguish an ordinary rash from the symptoms of the disease, and here for the parent is important in any doubt just to show the child the doctor.

What is a rash

Let's just define what we're talking about. The rash is pathological on the skin, which differs from the normal skin in several ways:

  • Color.
  • Texture.
  • Appearance.

The rash may be presented with blisters, spots, papules, vesicles, rashes, and all these manifestations can appear as on healthy skin and on the site of old lesions. Each such point is of sufficient importance to establish a correct and accurate diagnosis.

Important! The overwhelming number of newborns, on the face can be detected 'miles', so called white spots on the skin, which after a few days disappear completely.

Causes of rash in infants

Newborn skin is very sensitive organ is much more sensitive than the skin is already an adult. And the skin infant is ready to respond to any contact various rashes. The most frequent reasons include:

  • Food allergies. Moreover, the allergen can be in the food that the mother consumes.
  • Drug rash, allergic reactions to certain drugs and components.
  • Contact dermatitis.
  • Diaper dermatitis.
  • Atopic dermatitis.
  • The sweat and hives.
  • Neonatal acne.
  • Infectious rash.

Let us consider in more detail each of the reasons.

Food Allergy

Food allergies can be represented in the form of pink or red rash, which may very closely resemble the simple burn from a nettle.

Most often food Allergy is manifested on the chin and cheeks of the baby in the form of spots with peeling. However, common food allergies and the skin of the legs, forearm and abdomen. If the allergic reaction becomes too severe then the rash takes the form of a scab and goes into the category of makovskeho rash.

We emphasize that cause food allergies may be nutrition of the mother if the newborn is fed with mother's milk.

Important! If there is a suspicion it is on a food Allergy, you need to consistently exclude from the diet of nuts, tomatoes, veal, citrus fruits, red fish, whole milk.

In addition, food allergies can be caused by proteins that are composed of various mixtures for feeding. The cause mayto speak and too early complementary feeding, it is about the fact that in this case there is a great risk of potential allergies.

Drug rash

Drug rashes can occur as a side effect of taking certain medications, and should not be confused with allergies. Precipitating factor of acts of the vitamin complex, iron, fluoride, some herbal preparations.

If there is a suspicion that the rash occurs from taking certain drugs, it is necessary to cancel and see the reaction of the skin. In the event of further eruptions, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Contact dermatitis

Contact dermatitis in appearance similar to ordinary wear and tear on the skin, but with careful consideration it is noticeable that it is small rash. Most often this type of Allergy is the body's response to contact with washing powder or conditioner.

The second provoking factor may be a fabric garment, in this case, it is synthetic or natural wool.

Diaper dermatitis

Diaper dermatitis is easily diagnosed, as with any newborn rash appears in the diaper area. The reason is very simple – prolonged skin contact of the baby with a wet cloth.

Important! Nappy rash not related to Allergy, so there is no indications for the use of allergen funds.

Treatment of this type of rash is extremely simple, you only need to properly care for the child and timely change diapers.

By the way, to speed up the healing process of the damaged skin you can use the ointment "Bepanten", "Drapolen", "D-panthenol", "Boro plus".

Here I must say that if nappy rash does not begin to treat and not pay attention to him, the accession of a bacterial infection, and then a trip to the doctor is already inevitable.

Well, if you still were admitted mistake, and there is attached a bacterial infection, you will need to have a course with antibiotics.

The sweating sickness

The sweating sickness – can occur at any time of the year. In fact, she looks like just a fine pink rash that feels slightly convex. Typically, the area of the rash – chest and neck and cause excessive sweating.

The sweating sickness can be the consequence not only of overheating but also of the banal lack of care for the child. Prickly heat is not contagious and if it passes without complications, it is not dangerous for the child, but also to run it makes no sense.


Hives, as we have mentioned above, looks like a burn from a nettle, but its causes can be very diverse. For example, it can arise just from the cold or from prolonged stay underthe sun, from the strong waves, from friction, for example, from straps car seat for a child.

Mostly hives perfectly amenable to treatment with antihistamines, such as "Suprastin", "Zyrtec", "Fenistil". You can also use ointments with menthol, and if the case is extremely heavy, can be used variant with hormonal ointment.

Atopic dermatitis

In atopic dermatitis we will stop slightly more in detail. The causes of this type of dermatitis may be several, the main considered:

  • Improper nutrition of the newborn.
  • Improper nutrition of the mother during feeding.
  • Earlier weaning.
  • Dysbacteriosis.
  • Not properly conducted hygienic procedures.
  • Cosmetics that irritate the skin.

Dermatitis starts with the fact that on the cheeks and forehead appear small bumps. The skin on the hands and buttocks turns red and begins to peel off gradually the same symptoms begin to form fingers and toes.

A short time after the first symptoms, the rash appears as small bubbles, and the baby began to be troubled by severe itching. Parents should be careful with this type of dermatitis in a child can be diagnosed with enlarged tonsils.

Note, however, that there can be no question of self-diagnosis, to identify dermatitis should be exclusively a doctor. The main thing for atopic dermatitis, as quickly as possible to identify and eliminate the allergen.

To eliminate manifestations are used antihistamines, but they don't take the baby from the problem, but only relieve the itching.

Treatment may consist of applying various ointments, decoctions, medicated milk products. However, and food for the mother are chosen accordingly, and companies will have to exclude nuts, citrus, honey, that is the most common nutritional allergens.

Neonatal acne

Neonatal acne also known under the term "neonatal acne". According to statistics, this rash occurs in 20-30% of all newborns in the first weeks of life. Similar rash on small bumps on neck and scalp.

However, this type of dermatitis is not contagious and does not require special medical treatment. Note that the rash is not comedogenic, that is, the pores are not clogged, and thus, they rarely can fester.

The true reasons for the development of this type of dermatitis is not established, but most doctors tend to believe that the reason for the normalization of hormonal levels, which occurs in the first weeks after birth.

Typically, the rash disappears within 1-3 months.

Infectious rash

Separatelyin the rank of reasons for the rash of an infectious nature. This rash occurs as a symptom of certain infectious diseases and vary according to the disease.

Important! Self-treatment in this case is excluded, prescribes therapy only doctor, and the treatment is aimed not so much at the rash as on the underlying disease which leads to skin rash.

The major infections encountered a newborn can be:

  • children roseola. Hurt her children up to two years, the causative agent of the disease are herpes viruses 6 and 7 types. Three days of fever, her middle name, is characterized by the fact that the child drops the temperature exactly three days after onset and then appear on the skin the lesions are pink-red rash, which takes place during the week.
  • Scarlet fever. Another infectious disease that is characterized by petechial rash of scarlet on the back, neck, chest. With the rash generally gradually covers the entire body of the newborn. Treatment involves timely and quick use of antibiotics, then rash quickly disappears, and there is no danger of secondary bacterial infection.
  • varicella. One of the diseases from which the child is almost bound to be had in childhood, like measles. Characteristically, the rash of measles appears 3-5 days after onset high fever in child. For Corey always has a unique sequence of development of the disease. First, the body appears bright red papules on the face, then ears, then on the body and on the arms. And in the last stage on foot. That is, the rash goes down. Once the rash begins to heal, you can communicate with the child for fear of infection.
  • rubella. In rubella the rash appears on the 4th day, and it is always characterized by an increase in occipital lymph nodes. The rash most often represented by small and scattered lesions, which are localized on the face, torso, limbs.
  • enterovirus infection mouth foot and hand." The rash appears on the background of mild disease with lesions of the oral mucosa, and rash that is affects the foot and hand.