Home / Diseases of the skin / Rash in a child on the body: the body of children indicates rash

Rash in a child on the body: the body of children indicates rash

Skin rash at least once in your life appear in every child. In most cases, the rash causes the parents of the kid seriously nervous. Threat if she always contagious, and how to achieve its complete disappearance? These questions usually concerned relatives of the child most keenly.

Rashes, rashes on the body of the child, may signal how about any skin disease and be a symptom of an infectious disease, a rash, sometimes white. To return the baby's skin clean, healthy looking, you need to establish the cause of the rash and timely start to deal with it.

Skin examination

So, the appearance of the baby is suspicious elements on the skin, and it is noticeable rash on the child's body, it is necessary to completely strip it and carefully inspect the skin of the baby in good lighting conditions. The examination shall be all parts of the body a little patient, including places of skin folds the skin on the feet. It is also important to properly assess the condition of the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, eyes.

It is necessary to clarify when the first elements of the rash, especially if it is seen all over the body: if there is a video after eating a new food or after the use of any means to care for the body, taking the medicine. You need to evaluate, accompanied by the appearance of a rash increase in temperature, or symptoms of colds (sore throat, runny nose, cough). Correct assessment of these factors will help to understand the nature of the disease and will lead to the establishment of a correct diagnosis. Will also help and review pictures.

Rash in infectious diseases

About infectious disease evidenced by contact with the sick person, the sudden appearance of the first symptoms, fever, runny nose, cough. Often patients concerned about abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. Rash is accompanied by measles, scarlet fever, chicken pox, infectious meningitis, infectious erythema and some of the condition, rash, rarely white, often red.

The rash of measles appear on the 3-4 day of the disease on the background of catarrhal phenomena (runny nose, cough, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye), they are specific, and show numerous photos. For lesions characteristic of particular stages, you can trace the photo.

At first, it appears behind the ears, on the face, neck, it is small and red. Then the elements occur on the upper torso, upper extremities. Within 1-2 days, a rash "down" on the lower torso and appears on the feet.

The elements that came first, begin to fade. For lesions characteristic deep red color. They appear against the clear, intact skin. Often the elements merge with each other. On the mucosa of the oralcavity at the level of upper molar teeth there are white spots resembling semolina (spots Belsky-Filatov-Koplik) is a sure sign of measles.

After a few days the rash isn't red anymore, she turns pale, and the skin starts to peel off, including on the feet. Due to extensive immunization of children against measles is now a disease is very rare. Treatment includes antiviral and symptomatic therapy aimed at relief of cold symptoms. The patient is contagious until the 4th day of the rash. Then you can take the kid to the sea, where the air and sea water will have a positive impact on health.

In rubella the rash is shown by fine spotty, small, pink, sometimes red, occurs on the background of unchanged skin. The elements do not merge, disappear after 3 days, leaving peeling. Rubella may begin with rash and General weakness, aches in joints and feet with fever. Small rash in such cases occurs in 1-3 day.

For the disease characterized by an increase zadnesheynyh and occipital lymph nodes. Children usually tolerate rubella easy, but it is very adverse to pregnant women, which is associated with a high probability of intrauterine infection of the fetus. The therapy is symptomatic. Patients are contagious until the 4th day after the appearance of rashes.

Scarlet fever begins acutely with high fever (38,5-39ᵒС). Characterized by bright, "blazing" Zev with clearly defined borders redness of the mucosa. Language the first 2-3 days is lined with a thick coating, then it is cleared and becomes "crimson" look (bright pink tongue with enlarged papillae taste, reminiscent of a raspberry).

Sometimes the disease is accompanied by symptoms of General intoxication (malaise, weakness, nausea, vomiting). When scarlet fever is always free from rash nasolabial triangle.

The rash occurs on the background of reddened skin. The elements are gathering in places of natural skin folds (armpits, elbow folds). Eruptions are held 3-5 days and gradually disappear. The second week is peeling, the most intense on the palms and feet. The disease is caused by a bacterium (Streptococcus), and therefore requires antimicrobial therapy. Children are discharged on day 10 of the disease, but in institutions a quarantine shall not be removed within 21 days, then you can take the kid to sea.

Chickenpox is characterized by the appearance of small spots on the skin of the whole body, including the scalp, genitals, and mucous membranes of the mouth. Within a quick period of time (about an hour) transformirovalsya specks in the bubbles. The rash may be accompanied by high temperature or flow without it. After a few days the items dry and coveredcrust.

Further the crusts completely fall off. Often the child, combing rashes, violently rips them out. In such cases, the skin may remain small scars. Usually chickenpox is mild and requires only symptomatic treatment. The child is healthy, if the new elements do not "pour" of 5 days from the moment of occurrence of the last element is a rash on the body and legs.

Infectious meningitis is a serious disease related to inflammation of the membranes of the brain, which is accompanied by the appearance of skin rashes. The patient was worried about the high temperature (up to 40ᵒС), drowsiness, irritability, photophobia, fear of sharp sounds, vomiting, severe headache. 1-2 day of the disease rash occurs. It is formed as a result of increased fragility of small skin capillaries, and therefore the elements are star-shaped and the rash is always red.. Eruptions localized on the trunk, buttocks, upper and lower extremities. The appearance of elements on the face, bluish color of the rash, signs of necrosis of tissue in the center of the lesions showed a very unfavorable course of the disease.

Meningitis requires emergency hospitalization in the infectious Department and required antibiotics. In school gardens children are allowed only after negative culture results of Roto - and nasopharynx, taken on the fifth day after discharge from communicable disease.

Erythema infectious disease caused by a virus. The peak incidence occurs in winter-spring. First, there is a few spots on the cheeks, nose. Then these spots merge with each other together. Rashes take the form of lace and spread throughout the body. Sometimes infectious erythema occurs on the background of fever. The rash fades by the 14-15 day. Treatment is symptomatic and Lesions can be on any area of the body. Usually they have the appearance of pink spots rounded, rarely coalesce, and almost always cause itching. Rash appears on a pale pink background skin, at least on the swollen, reddish skin. In allergic edema of the lips, neck, tongue, treatment must be in hospital.

It is important as early as possible to terminate the child's contact with the allergen. If a food or drug Allergy, the patient is assigned sorbents (smectite, activated charcoal, polifepan), antihistamines (fenistil, tavegil, suprastin). If contact allergies are recommended antihistamine ointments, gels (e.g., fenistil-gel). Child with any type of Allergy shown to consult a doctor-an allergist who will determine what kind of children have an Allergy.

Skin diseases

The sweating sickness a condition caused by overheating infants, the tight swaddling of infants. Lesions have the appearancepunctate spots, which are located in places of natural skin folds, zones of accumulation of the sweat glands (in the groin area, the armpits, the neck area) on the legs at the hips.

Mange a disease caused by cessationism sadnem. Route of infection contact. The rash appears in the interdigital spaces on the hands, legs, stomach, bikini area. Rashes are paired in nature (see the place of entry and exit of sudna), accompanied by severe itching. Scabies requires treatment with specialized equipment under the supervision of a dermatologist., you'll on the body and legs.

So, diaper rash can be caused by a number of pathological conditions. To assess the nature of lesions, to deal with the causes of their occurrence and to choose the right treatment should a doctor. In some cases, in addition to advice of the pediatrician, the child may need the help of a specialist (e.g., allergist, or infectious disease).