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Trihopol: treatment, contraindications, side effects

Trihopol or how can you find the name metronidazole belongs to a category drugs, which are designed to exert antimicrobial and Antiprotozoal effect. Extremely positive drug in the destruction of certain bacterial infections.

Depending on the type of infectious disease, the drug is prescribed orally or topical use as an ointment or cream for application to the surface of the infected skin area.

Indications for use

While taking the drug is the impact on the nucleic acids of the microorganisms that leads to their destruction and to the elimination of bacterial infection from a patient. And trihopol can be used with success in the treatment of bacterial infections which affect the respiratory system, genitals, TSES, joints, and infections of the skin.

What treats?

First trihopol aimed at suppressing protozoa Trichomonas, dysentery amoebae, Giardia. Why in the first place?

The fact that over a sufficiently long period, it was believed that trihopol suppresses strictly these simple. However, in the course of research and observation, it was found that the drug can have an inhibitory effect on the anaerobic bacteria, i.e. bacteria that do not need oxygen for development.

It is worth noting that when you receive inside well absorbed trihopol, which allows it to penetrate into organs and tissues, for example, in the kidneys, lungs, liver, naturally, the layer of the epidermis. In addition, the drug can be detected in saliva and seminal fluids, in the secret of the vagina and in breast milk. Accumulate the liver, then the drug is completely eliminated from the body through natural means, most often during bowel movements.

As a rule, the course Naturally, there are side effects.

Side effects during the course of trichopolum are extremely rare, but they need to be ready.

To meet can severe violation of the gastrointestinal tract, while diagnosed by the usual symptoms as nausea, retching, and sometimes diarrhea. In the mouth there is a coating on the tongue, and the taste becomes metallic colour.

In second place neuroscience, which can manifest as headache, dizziness. In this case it found a violation of consciousness, irritability.

Allergic reactions, sometimes trichopolum may cause a dangerous Allergy, talking about angioedema, which can lead to suffocation. And, as we wrote above, trihopol always causes severe allergic reaction when drinking alcohol.

If the drug is consumed without control, there may be changes in the condition of the blood. First and foremost, talking aboutthat decreases the number of white blood cells, white blood cells, which can lead to serious problems, because the white blood cells responsible for fighting infections, and the lower their level, the higher the probability to get sick.

Speaking about the contraindication, we note that trihopol strictly contraindicated in nervous system impairment, liver disease, and during pregnancy and lactation.