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Vitamins for skin reviews

At any time of the year to maintain the functionality of our body and skin need to adhere to vitamin balance. Consider now the vitamins for the skin, let them say a few words about their advantage and see what feedback they get.


Let's start with vitamin A, which can be consumed in a vitamin complex, and to obtain from such products as carrots or spinach. Determine why you need it:

  • Provides normal protection of the skin.
  • Restores the skin.
  • Accelerates the regeneration processes.
  • Eliminates peeling and cracks on the skin.
  • Cleans the pores of the skin.

Together with necessary vitamin A and vitamin C, which has a beneficial effect on the skin from inside and out because it stimulates the production of useful component such as collagen.

Considered normal the norm in the 500-1000 mg per day to maintain the skin to its normal, healthy condition. In addition, vitamin C can be obtained from certain foods, and it's all citrus, greens, onions.

Important! Before you start to use products with vitamin C in large quantities should consult a doctor, as component often acts as a serious allergen.

Helps skin vitamin E. judging by the numerous positive reviews, this vitamin really has miraculous properties.

  • First, it provides protection against ultraviolet rays.
  • Second, it counteracts the harmful effects of harmful environments.

Doctors recommend to eliminate pimples and blackheads from the skin take 400 mg of vitamin E per day. Most interestingly, supplementation of vitamin E provides excellent condition not only the skin, but

Vitamin K is also essential for giving the skin its normal, healthy color. By the way, dark circles under the eyes, one of the reasons have a deficiency of vitamin K. in addition, this component is used to:

  • The treatment of acne and eliminate pimples.
  • An eye lift.
  • Lightening of the skin directly under the eyes.
  • For the treatment of oily skin.

Vitamin B3 is the component that gained wild popularity among the female half of humanity. The fact that the admission of this vitamin builds a protection that is not allowing certain radicals and minerals that cause discoloration of the skin. Thus, the skin remains clean and bright. But most importantly, it not only cleanses the skin, but not допуска5ет the appearance of new spots.

It is about the vitamins Biotin, another vitamin item in the line, which is responsible for elasticity of skin and helps to form in the right quantitykeratin.


Protection of the skin, attended not only vitamins, but also acid. Let's define the main ones that should definitely be in the human diet or as part of specific complexes.

Let's start with the omega-3 fatty acids. This acid helps in the elimination of many inflammatory processes on the skin, heals the skin, gives it additional elasticity. Especially good at interacting the acid with aging skin.

1The main sources of this omega-3 are fatty fish, walnuts, flax seeds. However, the easiest way to get acid from the molecular distilled additions of cod-liver oil.

Alpha-lipoic acid. This is an incredibly interesting component is able to perform a serious protective function. The fact that alpha lipoic acid acts as a protection of the skin from various toxins and radicals not only inside but also outside.

Important! To meet this acid often together with vitamin C and hyaluronic acid in the form of injections used in mesotherapy for skin tightening and rejuvenation.

Hyaluronic acid acts as the main supplier of water for the skin, figuratively speaking. Explain acid is able to retain molecules of water, and weighing more than my 1000. Thus, it is possible to recognize that hyaluronic acid is an excellent nutrient for the epidermis.

Hyaluronic acid supports hydration, and this in turn helps the skin surface to resist the growth of wrinkles and folds, increase the elasticity.

By the way, hyaluronic acid is a kind of substitute for Botox in cosmetology, and judging by the reviews, not a bad substitute. The effect of injection of rejuvenating this acid continues at least three months.


First and foremost in maintaining a healthy skin takes part astaxanthin is a mineral which is responsible for long-term maintenance of the skin in a healthy and young appearance.

On mineral the person is not allergic, and he during long-term therapy almost completely relieves skin from age spots and wrinkles.

Lycopene is a mineral, which is designed along with vitamins to protect skin from harmful UV rays.

And we conclude with the fact that a lot of positive reviews collected, the special mineral additive, which is composed of several essential minerals.