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Blisters on the face

Skin rashes can be represented in different external manifestations. Let's talk today about the blisters, yet another element of the rash, which sometimes can be localized precisely on the skin, causing the patient a lot of problems for aesthetic and psychological

Causes of blisters

The root cause of almost any blister –

However, blisters can specify not only allergic in nature of its appearance. So, if the rash is accompanied by fever, the appearance of a cold and General malaise, all of this can indicate that the body develops the infection process. It may be measles or chickenpox, hives we mentioned above.

If the blisters are localized strictly in the lips, it is very similar to herpes, which also symptomatically leads to the appearance of the rash in the form of blisters.

How to treat and eliminate blisters on the face

Each blister on the face can be a reason, and without an accurate diagnosis it is impossible to select the appropriate treatment blisters. However, the treatment is based on symptoms and the patient's General condition.

Consider the basic principles of treatment of blisters on the face, which will take account of the root causes of their appearance and symptoms that will allow you to determine exactly what we're dealing with.


And here is our champion, so to speak – hives, allergic disease, which can occur quite suddenly. In case of urticaria, blisters red with obvious signs of inflammation, which are accompanied by strong itching.

As urticaria is a disease caused by an allergic reaction, then the treatment is to ensure that as soon as possible to avoid contact of the skin with the allergen. As we have already mentioned, most often the allergen is present either in food or household chemicals. Sometimes the allergen can be dust, pet hair, pollen.

As such, treatment of hives does not exist, you can only eliminate the allergen and to treat symptoms.

How to limit yourself from allergies

Preventive measures depend on the type of allergies and disease, which leads to the appearance of blisters on the skin. In any case, prevention should always be a General lifting of immunity, hygiene, and proper nutrition.