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Rashes: pictures of red spots

A number of diseases characterized by rashes on the skin. Sometimes a skin rash is the only symptom distress in the body, especially when the disease is in a weakened form, and other characteristic signs not. The appearance of rash cannot be ignored – appeal to the specialist is necessary. This will help to avoid complications. If possible it is better to consult a dermatologist or an allergist, sometimes enough consultation of a General practitioner or paediatrician who will examine your skin.

What is a rash? Rash is considered to be numerous changes on the skin and mucous membranes. These changes differ significantly from the healthy skin in texture, color and appearance.

Types of rashes

Skin rashes can have a different view. Primary, resulting in healthy and clean skin, divided into the following types:

  • pustules (pustules). Are the bubbles with purulent contents. Inflammation can affect the skin near the abscess, itching;
  • bubbles – towering above the skin level elements rounded shape, contain a cavity with fluid (both transparent and turbid or bloody);
  • plaque. Primarily affects skin of face, neck and behind the ears, the very next day the point covers the torso and then only on the extensor surfaces of the extremities. After this, symptoms begin to fade away, in the same order in which they appeared. Characterized by the formation of brown, scaly spots.

    Scarlet fever manifests itself in little red spots, which stand out against the General background redness to the skin. The most numerous lesions are formed in the folds of skin on the sides of the torso and the abdomen.

    Please note! When scarlet fever never affects the nasolabial triangle leather it is clean and natural color.

    3-7 days is the fading of the rash. After disappearance of the rash, has shown signs of peeling skin on the palms and feet may peel off entire layers of the epidermis.

    Varicella or chickenpox is a skin rash located all over the body, affected even the scalp, causing itching and burning. At the initial stage of rash in the form of round spots of pink or red. Gradually, the spots transferred to the bubbles, which two days later dry up and form a scab. At the same time on the body are combined of different elements – like specks, and bubbles and crust. The duration of the rash 5-10 days and itching.

    Accompanied by rashes and other infectious diseases – herpes, syphilis, tuberculosis and others.

    Symptoms associated with infectious diseases:

    • the increase in body temperature;
    • General intoxication, weakness.

    Any rash on the skindefinitely need to see a doctor – self diagnosis can only hurt and cause unwanted complications. Sometimes it is impossible even to determine the nature of the formed on the skin changes. Moreover, quite often these diseases occur in atypical forms, when many of the symptoms and manifestations of the rash is fairly mild, like itchiness.

    Particularly dangerous meningococcal disease. Very often, the rash begins in the form of a typical flu with a high fever, sometimes vomiting. If it still appears hemorrhagic rash, which is a petechia, in the form of spots which when pressed does not disappear and does not fade, it is necessary to call an ambulance! The disease develops within hours and is extremely dangerous!

    Allergic rash

    Every modern man in his life repeatedly faced with allergies in the form of spots, for example. Sometimes an allergic reaction manifested in the appearance of red raised, tender spots on abdomen, chest, limbs. Spots occur fast enough, easy to change shape and location. Generally, there is itching. Rarely allergic reactions occur on the face.

    In contact with the allergen quite often develop contact dermatitis characterized by a rash at the points of contact, this is or bright red tubercles with a diameter of 1-2 mm. Their surface is covered with loose silvery-white scales. Quite often, the lesions coalesce, forming large areas. Treatment is complex and necessarily prescribed by a doctor dermatologist.

    The rash of scabies, photos will instantly show that it is scabies, is extremely itchy. As a rule, the disease begins with the hands and the first rash appear between fingers. Pretty easy to be treated with special products that are sold in the pharmacy. You need to be treated all who were in close contact – family members, massage therapist, nurse, all sex partners. To guarantee getting rid of scabies must be reprocessed linen and personal items, or maybe re-infection, in addition, a rash in a child on the body can be so treated everything!

    Sometimes after recovery the skin remains red-brown nodules up to 2 cm in diameter, in the photo they are located on the genitals or in the armpits. Most often it is an allergic reaction to the tick, which can occur from 3 months to 1 year.