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The disease erysipelas: treatment, causes and symptoms

Infectious disease erysipelas – a consequence of the spread of Streptococcus. From the point of view of distribution, the face is among the five most commonly diagnosed diseases in the world.

The causes of the disease

The main cause of erysipelas is the Streptococcus which enters the bloodstream as a result of any injuries to the skin, abrasions, minor wounds.

Play the role of as hypothermia, stress, excessive tanning.

Thus, it is possible to define conditional risk of the disease with erysipelas, which will include:

  • Young people who are exposed to frequent trauma;
  • In older age, the disease affects more women.

However, the spread of erysipelas occurs not only through minor injuries, but also in simple contact with the patient, as well as by airborne droplets.

Symptoms on face

The main and most pronounced symptom of the faces remain the discoloration of the affected area (shown in photo). Found also high temperature and intoxication. The symptoms are quite similar faces with the flu.

Erysipelas most commonly occurs in the feet, hands and face.

When Roger it starts with a mild fever, headache. After some time the fatigue and pain in muscles and joints. Sometimes vomiting and tachycardia.

The temperature rises to 39-40 degrees, then redness appear on skin areas that are accompanied by pain.

The nature of the symptoms of the faces allows us to divide them into several types:

  • Erythematous. The disease is accompanied by redness of the skin;
  • Erythematous-bullous. The skin on the damage face peels, and start to bubble. After they burst, form a crust of dark colours, which later peels off;
  • Hemorrhagic. In the troubled area of the skin is little bleeding, and blisters filled with blood.

The seriousness of the faces is divided into three forms:

  • A mild form. The body temperature is not higher than 39 degrees. The temperature is 2-3 days. Intoxication observed weak and almost invisible, and redness affecting a small area of the skin;
  • Medium gravity form is characterized by a temperature of 40 degrees, which persists for 4-5 days. There is a severe intoxication of the organism, strong, incessant headache, nausea, and severe vomiting. Skin lesions essential;
  • Severe disease is more than 5 dayshigh temperature, severe intoxication, possible mental disorders in the form of hallucinations and confusion. The defeat exposed large areas of the skin.

The treatment of erysipelas

Basically the face is treated with a course of penicillin. If the face run, then complications will require hospitalization, and treatment will take place in the hospital. In the power of the contagious nature of the disease, the patient with erysipelas was isolated at the time of treatment.

The course of treatment with penicillin injections lasts for weeks. If we have a relapse and face returned, together with penicillin for the treatment prescribe antibiotics and vitamins A and B.

Much more difficult treatment of moderate and severe forms of faces. In addition, the patient receives a course of penicillin and antibiotics he needs to detox.

In addition to the above indicated medications in the treatment of faces assigned to different medical facilities to strengthen and improve the immune system. Conclusion bacteria from the body with a large intake of fluids.

In the treatment of faces is applied, and several physiotherapeutic procedures:

  • UHF (treatment by exposure to a current of ultrahigh frequency);
  • UFO (treatment by irradiation with ultraviolet light);
  • Laser therapy (laser treatment).

Basically the methods of physiotherapy are applied in recurrent erysipelas. Residual symptoms are treated with paraffin wax. Not less positively in the treatment of faces affect the skin bandage with heated naphthalan ointment.

Treatment of vesicles on the skin is Furacilinum, Furacilinum, and the hemorrhagic form of the disease – dibunolum.

Treatment of folk remedies

Mel and rye flour, simple and all available remedies based on these components. The components are crushed and sifted, and then fall on face affected area of the skin and bind a woolen fabric.

For treatment you can use cheese, which affected the face area of the skin is smeared with a thick layer, and while avoiding drying of the applied product.

It is important not just to apply folk remedies for the treatment, which is still quite a lot, and use them properly, and if there is intolerance to, or not work, it is necessary to abandon their use.

Prevention of the disease

The preventive means that may put obstacle in the way of faces, quite simple, and aims not only toprevention of the disease, but also for the General strengthening of the body.

With any microtrauma of the skin, the wound should be treated with disinfectant.

Shoes, to wear to avoid getting calluses.

In the presence of chronic problems with the nasopharynx should be carefully and continuously to wash the nose.

Not to start a streptococcal infection.