Retrocerebellar arachnoid cyst of the brain: causes and symptoms
A brain cyst is almost always benign liquid formation having different sizes, shapes and which are located between the brain tissues.
After a doctor diagnosed retrocerebellar arachnoid cyst of the brain" we need to study the problem: how dangerous are cysts, what are the chances of recovery.
Cysts of brain can be classified according to the type of purchase. So, there are primary (congenital) cysts, they are identified in newborns in the hospital. Secondary (acquired) cyst is the consequence of various abnormalities or negative side-effect to surgery. it may be a cyst of the pituitary gland, and maybe If the cyst is located between the arachnoid sheath of the brain and its sheath – she arachnoid. If the cyst formed in a certain part of the brain, then we can talk about a cerebral or intracerebral cyst.
What is retrocerebellar cyst of the brain? The name comes from the localization of the cyst, that is associated with the cerebellum.
Intracerebral or retrocerebellar cyst begins to develop in the brain in the area of the plots destruction of grey matter deep in the brain, but not in the lining of the brain or its surface. These tumors can develop in any part of the brain. There is a classification of tumors depending on their location, for example, a cyst may be top or bottom.
There is a similar pattern in the presence of tumor. Meningioma of the brain develops due to hormonal changes in the body after 50 years. But in newborns it is possible to identify neuroblastoma, a congenital malignant tumor. This type of cyst may occur if the fetus receive less oxygen and the right amount of minerals in the womb. In addition, neuroblastoma can develop due to necrosis of nerve cells, as well as surgeries on the skull after birth. The cyst appears on a background of inflammation from infection, after trauma and mechanical damage.
Retrocerebellar arachnoid cyst
The arachnoid sheath is included in the conglomerate of the three meninges, which are located between the soft deep brain lining and solid surface shell.
Bubble spinal fluid, is usually between the meninges. This is the pathology of arachnoid cyst. The tumor appears as a result of inflammation of the meninges, brain injuries, or high pressure liquid accumulation, and can be diagnosed, for example, Livorna cyst occurs in about 4-5% of the population, but only two people out of ten has a marked occurrence of the disease. Retrocerebellar arachnoid livornaa cyst of the brain has a congenital or acquired form. The first is the result of a disruption of fetal development during pregnancy.
The second arises as a response to the development of inflammation of the superficial meninges. This inflammation occurs after injury and brain damage.
The relationship between symptomatic manifestations of cystic lesion and its size
The clinical course of the disease depends on the increase of cystic neoplasms.
Of course, you need to take into account many other factors and features, for example, localization of cysts, the cause of the disease, however, the size of cysts play a crucial role.
The increase in the cyst volume in any case leads to an increase in pressure of the fluid that is in it, and it means that the disease is actively developing. In addition to the size of the cyst on its growth affected by the presence of infection, chronic impairment of blood flow to the heart, autoimmune disorders (particularly multiple sclerosis).
Development retrocerebellar cyst of brain in an adult has its own characteristics. So, if you increase the size of cystic tumors observed migraines, sudden hearing loss, the presence of noisy sensations, throbbing in the temples.
May experience visual disturbances, which are expressed in vague silhouettes, the split images, the appearance of spots and geometric shapes in front of eyes.
The patient are paralysis of limbs, convulsions, impaired coordination, as well as vomiting and General weakness.
Symptoms of cysts may not always be pronounced. There are many nonspecific manifestations, but the nature of symptoms and their degree of manifestation will always depend on the size of the cyst.
The clinical features of cystic neoplasms of the child
In children the development of cysts as well as in the adult, has several features. Due to the development of cystic tumors, the child may experience numbness of the upper and lower extremities and convulsions. Often paresis and paralysis of the limbs, and auditory disorders, disorders of coordination of movements.
If the cyst rapidly increases, may increase intracranial pressure, which in turn will affect the appearance of an intense headache, the throbbing in my head. May appear vomiting, drowsiness and fatigue.
Severe form of the disease is characterized by the divergence of the bony sutures or problems with overgrown babies have babies. This is reflected in the development of the baby, both physically and mentally, so it is important to know what that is, If the cyst is not progressive, it shows dynamic observation by a neurologist and assigned drug therapy.
First, the doctor prescribesantibacterial or antiviral therapy. In this case, the indication for the purpose the presence of the inflammatory process of autoimmune or infectious nature.
Second, are appointed by the immunomodulators. Thus, the need to enhance the immune barrier of the patient, and to stop the aggressive action of the autoimmune environment.
Note that cysts, tumors and hematomas can form as a result of severe injuries of the brain. In addition, the appearance of an intense and constant headaches directly associated with chronic intracranial hypertension.
Drug therapy of circulatory disorders in the brain includes three areas:
- The reducing blood clotting and cholesterol concentration. This used antiplatelet agents: tiklopidin, pentoxifylline, and aspirin.
- The normalisation of the blood pressure. Will need drugs such as capoten and enalapril.
- Resorption adhesions formations. The doctor prescribes anticoagulant medications.
- If you notice a worsening supply of oxygen and glucose to the brain – shows the use of nootropics: cerebramine, Cerebrolysin, nootropil, vinpotropile, Vinpocetine.
- To increase the stability of the cellular structure of the brain to increased intracranial pressure necessary antioxidants.
If the degree of severity of the disease is high and the patient's condition is not satisfactory, the question of the treatment of retrocerebellar cysts should be referred to the surgeon.
Specialist examines several treatment options. The cyst can resect, perform cytotechnology or abdominal bypass surgery. Often to eliminate cyst surgeons use endoscopic intervention.
Forecasts and implications
If a man delayed treatment and later asked the doctor, ignoring the discomfort it often leads to difficulty in treatment.
Can increase pressure on parts of the brain, because in the cysts have accumulated a lot of liquid. The patient's condition significantly worse, up to death if a cyst will suddenly burst.
Detect disease at early stages and the implementation of preventive measures will not prevent the disease or to cure it quickly and without consequences.