Infectious (viral) dermatitis - symptoms, prevention and diet in children and adults
Infectious dermatitis is a disease of the skin, which may manifest as an independent disease and a symptom of various infectious diseases such as measles, scarlet fever and rubella. The causative agent of an infectious dermatitis as independent diseases are fungal and bacterial infections.
In the diagnosis of this disease is quite difficult to determine the cause of its occurrence and as a consequence assign the correct treatment. If an infectious or viral dermatitis is a recurrent disease, it is necessary to focus on treatment of the underlying disease. After the treatment will disappear, and infectious dermatitis. If the dermatitis is caused by an infection or skin lesions fungal diseases, its treatment is necessary.
Infectious dermatitis is quite difficult to define in advance the process of development and possible complications. Sometimes it can lead to other types of diseases.
Causes of infectious dermatitis
- infectious diseases: chicken pox, scarlet fever, measles and other;
- sexually transmitted diseases;
- lose skin fungal diseases;
- complications after treatment and operations.
- The symptoms of infectious dermatitis
Distinguish the symptoms of infectious dermatitis depending on the type of disease, which he was called.
1. Measles
This disease most often affects children. The primary symptoms of measles are similar to colds. This fever, mild cough, weakness, runny nose. However, to distinguish measles from respiratory diseases is possible by the characteristic manifestation: a rash that quickly spread all over the body.
The distribution of the rash:
- First day: the Main hot spots of the rash visible on his face.
- Second day: the Rash is spreading on my back, chest and arms.
- Third day: tiny red pimples already covered the whole body.
Dermatitis caused by measles takes place about a week after the onset of the disease. Pimples dry up, and then disappear, leaving the skin brown spots. Two weeks later the spots disappear.
2. Scarlet fever
Dermatitis is a recurrent disease of scarlet fever, equally manifests itself in children and adults. Small red bumps begin to appear on the human body by the end of the first day of the disease. First single pimples cover the face, upper torso, arms, then, But after a certain period of time their number increases significantly, the skin is covered with pimples that itch strongly and that cause discomfort to the person. After 2-3 days, the pimples crust over and the skin underneath starts to peel off. Complete healing of the skin occurs within 2-3weeks.
3.Varicella or chickenpox
This disease is accompanied by the appearance of the rash. Bright pink spots appear all over the body and accompanied by severe itching. After a while the pimples are filled with colorless or turbid fluid and gradually begin to burst.
The appearance of these pimples may within five days from the moment of onset of the disease. Despite the severe itching it is not necessary to open the bubbles. This will be the cause of many ulcers on the skin, and also appearing the risk of wound infections. Additionally, after the healing on the spot of pimples leave deep scars.
Treatment of infectious dermatitis
To treat this type of disease must be approached comprehensively. This is due to the fact that it is difficult to determine the cause caused the dermatitis. Therefore, medication should include drugs acting on various types of infections. In addition treatment should minimize infectious dermatitis, such as itching, fluid accumulation in the acne swelling.
For the treatment of infectious dermatitis professionals the most frequently used drugs based on corticosteroids. These drugs are applied topically to the whole area of the body affected by infectious dermatitis. Treatment continues as long as the rash does not go away fully and the removal of all signs of the disease. This is necessary in order to exclude the re-emergence of infectious dermatitis, or such diseases as infectious dermatitis good to use raw potatoes. A few small potatoes need to be cleaned and RUB on a small grater. The resulting mixture should be applied to areas affected by infectious dermatitis. After 15 minutes the mixture was washed with warm water and wipe off the skin.
A good agent for disinfection of the skin — the cream of St. John's wort and butter. For its preparation you need to prepare a decoction of St. John's wort. To do this, a tablespoon of herbs pour 100 ml of boiling water and infuse for a few minutes. Then perezhivayut and cooled to room temperature. The cooled broth was mixed with 50 grams of butter.
Prevention of infectious dermatitis
To prevent this disease by any methods the damage will be. But you can try to reduce the severity and manifestations. In order to minimize the risk of disease infectious dermatitis doctors advise not to contact with sick diseases, boost immunity, follow the rules of personal hygiene and to promptly seek medical treatment in case of skin diseases.
It is also possible to prevent the possibility of infectious disease medically way. Currently, there are a number ofvaccines against these types of diseases that guarantee virtually 100% protection from infection.