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How is hepatitis C transmission and risk factors

In order to have a more complete picture of the modes of transmission of hepatitis C it is necessary to consider all possible options.

Until recently, the disease most often met with the young people, but now we can say that hepatitis C is often diagnosed in people of advanced age.

Where you can pick up the infection

Define the basic variants of the infection:

  • One of the first places according to the likelihood of being infected With hepatitis C are tattoos and piercings. However, even higher risk of catching hepatitis in drug-dependent people who use drugs and inject with the same needle.
  • There is always a risk for nurses working with infected blood. However, blood transfusion risk not so high, but there is.

However, the unpleasant fact that often do not get to determine how infection occurs.

How is hepatitis

Mainly Vertical transmission of hepatitis from mother to child is extremely rare, and the percentage is not more than 5% of all cases of transmission. Infection occurs during childbirth, and only as a result of the passage of the child generic way. Vertical transmission of the virus today and remains impossible to prevent.

The danger of infection in the fact that most babies are born healthy and not showing that they have hepatitis. No developed Protocol for treatment that is a newborn baby.

Often the question arises, is it possible the infection directly through the mother's milk while breastfeeding? Data about the infection is not, however doctors strongly recommend to abandon the breastfeeding woman to diagnosed her hepatitis C. this is Especially true of options, where there is some violation of the integrity of the chest and bleeding.

Household transmission

Just note that Hep C is not airborne and air-drop way, that's not the variant which can occur when infected. That is, there is absolutely no chance of being infected by the carrier during coughing or cough. The same can be said about the handshakes, or use one of the cookware.

Household transmission is possible, but only through the blood. Therefore, if you get in a domestic environment, this requires that the blood of the infected got on the abrasion, a cut, open wound.

All of this suggests that the carrier of the virus and infected people can be isolated in the society, they can also perform its functions and to be socially active.

Hepatitis C does not involve and create for people with special conditions for life and work.

Note also that when the disease hepatitis b the likelihood offull recovery is only 10%, as a rule, the virus stays with the bearer for life.

But if healing has occurred, that is, the risk of recurrent disease, our body cannot develop immunity to Hepatitis C.