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Newborn belly button bleeding

If the newborn started to bleed belly button, the problem cannot be left ignored and unattended. First bleeding can indicate an infectious disease

Before his birth, the child connected with the mother by the umbilical cord. As soon as there is birth, the umbilical cord is cut, the rope umbilical cord connects the flagellum and secured with a plastic clip. Typically, the cord disappears during the first weeks of life, and in its place formed a small wound. That's exactly what we will discuss today, explaining what to do if your baby's bleeding navel.

When there is a healing belly button

Under normal circumstances, complete healing of the navel occurs within three weeks after birth. However, this is not a universal answer at the time, as one child healing occurs within three weeks and the other within a few days.

Doctors always advise to pay special attention to the condition of the navel of the newborn, which should be treated on the first day after birth. Usually used for processing hydrogen peroxide and Zelenka.

Important! After the first treatment of the wound may appear pus, and here nothing to do.

If the bleeding has not stopped after the first of the ichor, then you should immediately consult the doctor, simultaneously, continuing processing of the navel. Daily treatment of the navel must for parents become the norm, such as changing diapers or feeding.

Than it is better to treat the navel

Many doctors ' recommendations are reduced to the most common and time-tested tool – the brilliant green. This antiseptic is recommended to lubricate the navel of the newborn, if he continues to bleed. For treatment you need:

  • Cotton swabs.
  • Pipette.
  • Hydrogen peroxide and Zelenka.

The procedure itself is generally not difficult:

  • The hydrogen peroxide is taken in the pipette, and literally one drop dropped into the wound on the navel. The peroxide should foam. Parents should not panic at this point, the child is not experiencing any pain.
  • Forth from the wound carefully removed all the crusts.
  • Q-tip dipped in green paint, and smeared the wound.

The nuances care navel

Let's define some key nuances that should be a recommendation for parents:

  • Processing occurs once a day. The frequency of treatment depends on how long the belly button will heal. In principle, the less it is disturbed (in the navel), the faster it heals.
  • Recommended to treat the belly button after bathing. The crust formed on the wound, resistant and easier to remove.
  • Zelenka can be replaced", itwill immediately notice if

    First and foremost, attention is drawn to the drying time of a navel. If the navel becomes wet for more than 2 weeks – we are talking about the complication. The navel should be completely dry in 7 days. If not, doctor may be prescribed dioxidine, which is necessary to handle the navel. This drug is designed to eliminate the microorganisms that settled to the navel and do not let it to stop being wet.

    One more complication – the navel begins to fester. Suppuration can easily be identified by the fact that from the navel begin to stand out greenish or and the navel. When this complication in the navel area of the child, there "ball" on the stem, with the abdomen red. Treatment of granulomas occurs in the home. Usually used the same hydrogen peroxide and Zelenka.

    Hernia of the navel. To determine its possible, if during crying, coughing, the baby's navel starts to swell, and can reach the size of a walnut. This will require the consultation of a surgeon already, and it is likely that the hernia will have to be removed surgically to three years of age.

    And finally, again note that with the continued bleeding in a child from the navel, even in the absence of all these complications, it is necessary to consult a doctor. In the home, and even more folk remedies, the newborn is better not cure.