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Psoriasis on the head treatment effective ways

Most often, psoriasis appears on the scalp, and here it may be the beginning of a much more complicated stage of the disease.

Psoriasis manifests itself in two types of rash:

  • Dense tumor under the scalp, with a distinct edge on the forehead;
  • Small plaques that do not affect the growth of hair.

The main difference psoriasis dandruff is that psoriasis scales you can touch and feel and a seal.

Psoriasis infection exposed nape, back of the neck, parted in the middle, sometimes earlobes.

How does psoriasis

Psoriasis is characterized by flaking of large particles of epithelium. They are eliminated by simple brushing, but not too frequent, otherwise the scalp will become inflamed, and healing to occur more slowly.

Behind ears psoriasis can cause itching, and back of the neck. Similar itching with itching with acne and For the treatment of psoriasis topically applied salicylic ointment, as perfectly proven bathrooms with their concoctions of herbs, for example, sage, chamomile, celandine.

Effectively psoriasis on the head to destroy the drugs with high contents of corticosteroids, and in a short time.

And, of course, a solution of Soderm, which still remains the most effective treatment for psoriasis of the head. Apply the solution morning and evening on affected areas of the head. As soon as the first signs of improvement, the drug is applied once a day, and then limit myself to 3 applications per week.

In addition, that offers us traditional medicine, there is a lot of popular methods for the treatment of psoriasis:

  • The compress of juice of celandine. The plant has antibacterial properties and relieves pain from inflammation of the skin psoriasis;
  • A succession of alcohol-based. Taken in the dose of 20 drops 3 times a day;
  • Clay and sea salt. Mixed and applied as a mask on the scalp.

Rules of care of the head

Is attentive to the plaques and not comb while you wash your hair, or drying hair. Natural moisture balance can be restored by successive application of a simple shampoo that was prescribed by your doctor. At all costs carefully and to take care of the hair during treatment, and the skin behind the ears and on the back of the neck.

Excellent preventive agent in the treatment of psoriasis can be shampoo with tar.

How to treat ear canal

For the treatment ofwe will need cotton swabs and saline solution. Skin the passage of cleaned and dried independently, and in case of blockage, you will need access to a doctor.

Restore hair after loss

Hair loss is an infection of psoriasis temporary. Only by scratching the damaged skin, the infection spreads and can damage and hair follicle, then we have the irreversible damage of the hair.

Doctors always recommend to provide more air circulation in your hair and the sunlight on the affected areas of the skin, natural elements always help the healing process. Of course, easier to just cut her hair short, but it is a question of beauty.

You will need to during treatment, to limit yourself to painting and the hair.

Getting rid of psoriasis on the head

Treatment of psoriasis on the head with antibiotics may be required if the tests show the attached infection and lesions of the skin on the head. Here as well is as little as possible to comb hair to avoid damage to the scalp. Any mechanical damage will only lead to a longer healing process in psoriasis.

In any case, at the first signs of psoriasis need to apply for a reliable diagnosis to the dermatologist. Psoriasis is a very unpleasant skin damage, regardless of type or stage of proliferation and to treat him better in the early stages.

As prophylaxis it is possible to recommend medical treatment in winter or spring. This is a great time to restorative treatment.