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Lactofiltrum instructions for use and contraindications

Lactofiltrum belongs to the group of sorbents of plant origin, the active active substance in the preparation is lactulose.

As a rule, Lactofiltrum is used for the normalization of intestinal microflora. Often its use due to the necessity of detoxification of the body. In addition to lactulose, the preparation contains lignin, which is a natural enterosorbent.

This component is responsible for what is happening adsorption on the surface of a huge number of inorganic and organic substances. Here, adsorbed allergens, pathogens, salts of some heavy metals, endotoxins and exotoxins.

The lignin is able to collect and residues of medicines, and certain products of metabolism in the body, for example, serotonin, bilirubin, histamine, urea, cholesterol.

The second component, lactulose, has a positive effect on the microflora of the large intestine. Under its influence the tissues of the intestine leads to the formation of organic acids that inhibit the growth of pathogenic microorganisms. As a result, in the large intestine reduces the amount of nitrogen, rather than its less and less nitrogen-containing products, the better for the intestinal motility, it is possible to diagnose and improve intestinal motility.


First, the Drug may have the necessary positive effect in chronic problems colitis with infections that are localized in the digestive tract. Interestingly, Lactofiltrum is well-established in the field of cosmetology, for example, hair loss or if such common problem like acne and even acne.

Use of the drug is recommended as a tool that can have a positive effect on the immune system.


Methods of ingestion and dosage of the drug strictly divided by age category:

  1. Child up to 3 years is prescribed one-half tablet taken three times a day.
  2. Children from 3 to 7 years may take 1 tablet three times a day.
  3. Respectively, from 8 to 12 years three times a day to take 2-3 tablets of the drug, and after 12 years the recommended dose is 3 pills three times a day.

Usually one course of treatment lasts for 15 to 21 days, with possible options for repeating courses.

Possible side effect and contraindications

The drug noted some side effects. So you may experience flatulence, which should not be the drug just removes this effect. Sometimes there is diarrhea, as a disorder of housing and communal services. In acute individual intolerance of the drug may begin an allergic reaction. But this is extremely rarecases.

With regard to contraindications, it is worth noting from intestinal obstruction, and any bleeding in the intestines. Naturally, hypersensitivity to the drug, will also be in the role of the contraindications to perform.

In addition, the doctor can prescribe, but it's a big risk, the drug and ulcers of the stomach in the period of exacerbation. The same applies to the period of exacerbation in the duodenum or intestinal

Not recommended the use of the drug during pregnancy, at any time carry the child.

Interaction with other drugs

When taken along with another drug Lactofiltrum able to link some of its components and reduce, thus, its effectiveness. To medicines worked at maximum level of efficiency, it is recommended to take from an hour after intake Lactofiltrum.

In case of overdose may experience constipation and pain in the abdomen. Produced the drug in tablet form, the producer is the Russian Federation.