Home / Fungus / Fungus in the stomach: appearance, reproduction, treatment and prevention

Fungus in the stomach: appearance, reproduction, treatment and prevention

Mushrooms – a special form of life which is present everywhere around us, on the human body, mucous membranes of internal organs. Under normal condition of the organism, mushrooms are not only not harmful, but they also have tremendous benefit. Without them it is impossible the normal functioning of the digestive system, fungi are important links in metabolic processes. The fungus is in the stomach, out of control, penetrates deep into the tissue, causing untreatable ulcers, causing vomiting, General weakness and exhaustion.


The most common fungal infection in the digestive tract candidiasis is triggered by the growth of the yeast-like fungus of the genus Candida. Different types of this fungus inhabit the microflora of a healthy person, in any way itself without showing, and their growth is constrained by a specific bacteria.

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Since the main cause of this disease is the decrease in the General immunity and the use of antibiotics, it is recommended to follow the normal state of intestinal microflora. Antibiotic therapy is necessary to Supplement antifungals and antimicrobials as Linex.