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Plaques on the face

Often on the eyelids, on the face, you may notice the appearance of small yellow plaques. As a rule, xanthelasmas, or just the plaques. Are these plaques to tumors of benign nature. The reason for the appearance of a basic, simple disturbance of lipid metabolism. When the metabolic fats comes an increase in the composition of blood components such as cholesterol and sugar, and along with this, on the face can be formed and the plaque.

Important! However, the reasons for its formation need not lead us to the fact that it is only about diabetes, hypertension, or excess weight.

What is plaque

In its composition of cholesterol plaque consists of cholesterol and triglyceride, this combination is what forms a tumor. Most often the plaque is localized in the inner corner of the upper eyelid. You should also note that the plaque is enough "women's disease", in the sense that the tumor appears more often in females because the female body is more prone to problems with metabolism and cholesterol accumulation. By type of location, the plaque can be presented in singular forms and plural. In principle, plaques on the face, the eyelids have no effect on vision. And we certainly cannot say that xanthelasmas may threaten human health. By and large, the only problem that has a direct relationship to plaque is cosmetic dissatisfaction. Moreover, even after the perfect removal of plaque, it may again recur, as without treatment the reason, that is, without normalization of metabolism, the whole procedure again becomes strictly a cosmetic focus.

What can you offer in the treatment of

Treatment of platelets today use several basic methods, and each of them is represented by the removal of the tumor. It's basically:

  • Conservative surgical удале6ние. The plaque simply excised or opened and its contents removed. The method can be unpleasant, as it leaves a barely visible scar.
  • Cryosurgery. Used here is liquid nitrogen, which by the abnormally low temperature destroys the plaque. Such removal involves the use of local anesthesia.
  • Deletion Note that their appearance on the skin does not cause of certain subjective sensations, there is no itching or any other discomfort. Is due to the absence of symptoms, warts, like cholesterol plaques, are classified problems cosmetic sense. However, warts curing is necessary. If you ignore them, eventually they can start to spread, covering large areas of the body and not localizes only on the skinperson.

    Distribution and treatment

    From the point of view of prevalence, flat warts often appear in people at a young age, which is why they have a second name – "Junior". However, there may be such formations and that of an adult. The removal of this plaque is exactly the same methods as the destruction of cholesterol and tumors, as we wrote above. With warts you can try to cope using special ointments. For example, high efficiency demonstrated:

    • You can still be noted that especially good job with the plaques kaolin ointment, it has the ability to seriously inhibit the human papilloma virus, and this seriously reduces the likelihood of relapse. Here it should be clarified that the human papillomavirus, which is the root cause of flat warts is incurable. However, to reduce the likelihood of recurrence, or even to exclude it is possible with the right prevention. And this is exercise, proper diet, and immune system support at a high level.