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Warts on the intimate places

Warts on the intimate places represent growths of the skin of the genitals, both in men and women. These warts are called genital wart, anogenital wart, genital warts.


The only cause of genital warts is

  • Lowered immunity is a major contributing factor. It reduced level of immune protection allows the virus to grow and favors the development of warts.
  • Sexual infections.
  • Hormonal changes the whole body, often associated with pregnancy.
  • Violation of the microflora of the vagina.

To be infected with HPV in two ways:

  • Sexual contact with a partner who is already infected with the papilloma, the most common way, and the vast number of infections exactly happen
  • When sharing personal toiletries, one towel and underwear.


The main symptom of course is the appearance of the warts in the genital area or the anus. This is a soft wart growths in the form of a cockscomb or cauliflower. Has a Nude or pink color. Meet light brown warts. Men primarily suffering:

  • Bridle of the foreskin.
  • The crown of the penis head.
  • The skin of the scrotum.

Sometimes warts may cause itching. If there is concomitant infection, it may lead to inflammation, which is accompanied by an unpleasant odor.

Important! Don't confuse genital warts with broad warts (skin lesions occurring in syphilis) and pearly papules (cosmetic skin defect of the penis).


If you have any growths on private parts, you must contact your doctor-dermatologist. Only a specialist can make an accurate diagnosis and to make sure this is a wart and not a symptom of any sexually transmitted diseases. If the doctor decides to remove the wart, after it is removed will be biopsied. This is done in order to ensure the purity of this neoplasm. If the biopsy indicates malignancy warts, then immediately there is a suspicion of skin cancer.


The fastest way to get rid of warts is their physical removal. There are several clinical methods of removal such formations on the skin. This:

  • Moxibustion liquid nitrogen.
  • Electrocoagulation.
  • Can be selected and drug treatment. Widespread tools such as:

    • Kondilin. They are treated warts at least 2 times a dayfor 3 days. Then do a 4-day break and the treatment is repeated. Do not use the medicine more than 5 weeks.
    • Aldara. Besides the therapeutic effect, this cream stimulates the production of interferon by the body, which improves immune protection. You should not use the cream more than 4 months.

    It is possible to resort to the use of folk remedies. There are several recipes, but the most popular are the following:

    • Genital warts treated with Chelidonium juice 3-4 times a day. Using this method, you have to be very careful to ensure that the juice of celandine fell exclusively on the wart. In contact with healthy skin area, the juice of the plant may cause burns.
    • You need to mash fresh leaves of aloe, and the resulting mass in the form of poultice, applied to the wart. The compress must be kept for 5-6 hours. The procedure must be repeated 2 times per day.