Home / Diseases of the skin / Impetigo: symptoms, treatment and photos of the disease

Impetigo: symptoms, treatment and photos of the disease

Impetigo, is a skin ailment that is characterized by scabs, and the origin of the disease in the Streptococcus and Streptococcal impetigo. The first symptoms of impetigo can serve phlyctenas, cavitary elements reminiscent of the bubbles of size up to 10 mm in diameter. Typically, the rash does not have a specified locations, in rare cases, the disease may "kuchkovatsya" on the leather (see photo). The contents of transparent bubbles initially, but eventually begins to acquire a cloudy appearance. After the color change, the content shrinks and disappears in cover. The skin is pronounced depigmentation.

In principle, this variety of impetigo can be attributed to simple zoster, which is manifested by redness and peeling of the skin at the site of the lesion.

But in children is more common streptococcal zaedy. This disease manifests itself by the appearance in the corners of the mouth bladder with a thin film that is very similar to Staphylococcal impetigo. Second name folliculitis, manifested by the inflammatory process, which may be surface deep. Folliculitis can be diagnosed by the identification of many pustules, from which the hair grows. A few days later pustules dry up completely, in their place there are yellow crusts, which fall off, leaving the changes and marks on the skin.

Deep folliculitis occurs is not so calm, and when it felt pain, especially in a place of defeat. It knots up to 5 mm in diameter, red in color, sometimes in the middle of the knot may be an abscess. Within a few days the abscess ripen fully, opened and dries up. On the site of the lesion may form a scar.

Mixed (streptostafilodermii) impetigo. Name the varieties of impetigo is clear that it is a combination of two types of infection. Also known as impetigo vulgaris, and its development, phlyctenas always purulent, and peel after usyhanija quite massive. Removing the cork, we find a weeping erosion.


Usually, impetigo is no complications, but in rare cases can be diagnosed nephritis and myocarditis. Often with complications of disseminated abscess and purulent cellulitis.

Treatment impetigo

It is recommended the treatment of impetigo on an outpatient basis. In this treatment the skin that was subjected to defeat, do not wash, only wipe a few times a day with a weak solution of salicylic or camphor spirit.

At the opening of the conflict is possibleapply special ointment, erythromycinbuy, for example, and to apply them several times a day for erosions, to dry the moist area. In children, especially in the case of a vulgar impetigo, conducted a course of antibiotics.

Treatment prognosis impetigo is always positive, only in the case of child illness or complications, it lasts more than two weeks.

Prevention of impetigo

First and foremost, doctors recommend strongly to follow the personal hygiene, but if you have already suffered the disease after treatment — this item is required. The observance of the elementary principles of hygiene, reduces the risk of infection significantly.

In addition, when the disease is necessary not to leave children in school or preschool until full recovery. The same applies to adults suffering from impetigo and are working in institutions. The greatest risk of infection and complications affect children, so any signs of infection should be identified and nipped in the initial stage of the disease.