Home / Diseases of the skin / Zaedy in the corners of the mouth: treatment, causes Zayed on the lips

Zaedy in the corners of the mouth: treatment, causes Zayed on the lips

Zaedy on the lips (in medicine Angola) are a very unpleasant disease which causes great discomfort. It is quite a common phenomenon, which not only brings us trouble of an aesthetic nature, but also delivers other inconveniences.

When there zaedy on the lips, man it's getting harder to speak, specifically women heavier lipstick. Spicy, sour and salty food painful. And all this is accompanied by itching and burning the problem areas of the skin of the lips, and so gentle, and when zaedy become even more sensitive.

From this disease no one is immune. Adults and children can become victims of this unpleasant phenomenon. Despite the fact that to occur this disorder may, at any time of the year, usually in the spring the cases are becoming more frequent.


The appearance zaedy in the corners of the mouth is evidence of violations of the vital systems of the body, therefore, starting to treat the problem, you need to start with the identification of its causes. There are several reasons preceding the advent zaedy in the corners of the mouth. The most serious is a violation of one of the internal organs or impaired function of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, the occurrence of the disease can be considered as a symptom of manifestations of disorders of body functions.

According to statistics, roughly 30% of cases the cause-causative agent zaedy is a fungus in 50% of cases of streptococcal infection occasionally — Most often the reason for the emergence Zayed in the corners of the lips is the decline of the immune system. The decrease of function of immunity is the Appearance of zaedy in the corners of the mouth can contribute to a lack of trace elements in the body. In particular a deficiency of iron and zinc. To increase the amount of iron, it is recommended to eat:

  • potatoes,
  • grenades
  • buckwheat,
  • nuts,
  • mushrooms,
  • asparagus,
  • oatmeal
  • parsley.

Red meat (pork, lamb, beef), liver, kidney, heart also reduces the deficiency of micronutrients in the body.

A high amount of zinc contain seafood, meat, sprouted grains of wheat, herbs, eggs, pumpkin seeds, products such as kidneys, liver and brewer's yeast.

Also recommended to use the pharmacy vitamins, which not only contribute to eliminating the causes of disease and increase overall immunity of the body.


How to cure angelic in the corners

A prerequisite for successful and quick recovery from zaedy in the corners of the mouth, is emergency treatment at the first signs of the disease. Otherwise, the problem will go chronic, which will bring a lot of trouble to the patient. Will experience pain when eating, talking and other discoveries of his mouth.

With the General treatment of liberty in the lips and corners of the shown medications such as levorin, ketoconazole, nystatin, fluconazole and terbinafine, if there is kandidomikozy angelic. Treatment of streptococcal Zayed implies the use of antibiotics (see table). Definitely need to take vitamins of group “b”, ”B2” and ”PP”.

Nystatin ointment 3-4% is used in local treatment of candidomycosis Angelica. Also to treat zaedy on lips use of lamisil cream, solution of borax 20%, levorinovuyu ointment 5%. Dezinficiruyusch solution, gently clean the skin at the corners of the mouth.

Attention. During the acute phase of the disease is not recommended to eat spicy, salty and sour food. The consumption of alcohol and pickled foods is contraindicated. During treatment Treatment methods of traditional medicine are also coping well with the disease and positively affects the lips and mouth area. As in the treatment of herpes, treatment Zayed in the corners of the mouth can be done with the help of sulfur from the ears. For this, you need to spread the corners of the mouth a gray, tentatively pulling her ears with a cotton swab.

Thermal water or lipstick based on it give a nice effect in the treatment of zaedy in the lips. To do this several times a day to lubricate the corners of lips with lipstick or thermal water.

At the stage of healing, helps with lubrication of the skin in the corners of the mouth with beeswax, melt it in advance. Avocado oil, olive oil, rosehip oil and tea tree, sea buckthorn oil also speed up the effect of healing. Often instead use goose fat spreading them to the corners of the mouth. Recommended lotions from broth of herbs (succession, calendula, sage, celandine, chamomile). Honey and butter are used to soften the skin on problem areas.