Home / Diseases of the skin / What appears streptoderma and how to treat it?

What appears streptoderma and how to treat it?

Streptoderma, like many infections of the skin, is a consequence of the activities of streptococci. This is a very contagious disease that easily, and with minimal contact to spread from person to person. It is this prevalence and causes us to focus on the study of the symptoms and signs of streptococcal to identify it at the initial stage!

What appears and what symptoms?

The main point of the importance of determining the symptoms is the fact that the most affected women and children. An epidemic of streptococcal can quickly spread through a children's institution. And given the fact that streptodermii very contagious, the prevalence among children is difficult to underestimate!

Unfortunately, it is worth noting that we rarely listen to the simple recommendations of their doctors about timely disinfect each skin damage, and even if it is, in our opinion, it is not dangerous. However, in this neglect lies the main reason for getting into our body by various streptococci. Disturbed holistic protection of the skin, and the body to penetrate bacteria and pathogenic microorganisms.

Streptodermii may be caused by the following reasons:

  • Damage to the skin. As we have said, even a minor scratch that can form a focus of infection;
  • Intoxication which disrupts the bodies;
  • Chronic disease affecting the decrease in the protective functions of the organism;
  • Hypovitaminosis;
  • Burns as yet another violation of the integrity of the skin;
  • Overwork and constant stress;
  • The General decrease in immunity;

We should also say that in addition to the prevention of the epidemic, streptoderma have time to be diagnosed because of a complication and severe form, it can degenerate into a condition for the development of autoimmune diseases and allergic dermatitis, but these diseases lead to serious consequences including systemic lesions of the internal organs.

In medicine, there is a certain classification of streptococcal, characterized by the localization of lesions, the degree of development of streptococcal. It is possible to result the following parameters of streptococcal:

  • The classic version, which is also called "impetigo";
  • Bullous impetigo;
  • And streptococcal ecthyma.

The symptoms depend on the type of disease, so the streptococcal some symptoms that can be radically different in the localizationand type.

Let's start with the classical variant of streptococcal, it is most common among the infection. As we have noted, at risk are women and children, whose thinner skin is more prone to danger. Localization of classical impetigo is spread on hands, feet, shins, also there near lips and nose area. Skin in the affected area takes on a red tint, you receive a vial filled with murky liquid.

After the appearance of the bubble, the center is developing rapidly and may reach a diameter of several inches, after which the blister is broken, and in its place is formed erosion. Damage fairly quickly dries and crusts. The problem is that due to severe itching, patients constantly tear off the crust and spread the infection on the skin.

Bullous streptoderma is characterized by the appearance of several foci, however, the blisters increase in size, and not opened. The contents of the blisters – turbid pus, and they are located in the area of the nail plate.

Streptococcal ecthyma accompanies the disease, if the lesions begin to undergo the deeper layers of the skin. Here also there are rashes that are filled with purulent contents, but at the opening we are opening not just erosion, and ulcers on the skin surface. In the area of the lesion is palpable the pain and the pus is continually produced. Usually localized ecthyma on legs, and after healing always leaves a scar.

How to treat streptodermii?

Treatment of streptococcal should always be comprehensive and tailored to the characteristics of the organism and the type of streptococcal, its localization and severity.

To treat streptodermii need in the following ways:

  • Local treatment of affected areas with streptodermii on the skin.
  • To prevent further spread of infectious diseases.
  • Measures to strengthen the immune system.

Most commonly used aqueous solution of resorcinol and nitrate of silver. Them several times a day processed surface of damaged skin, and then overlap the bandage. In the case of severe itching you can use antihistamine local agent purpose, for example, "Tafasta", and the affected area is treated with a solution of iodine. The use of antibiotics only makes sense in the case where streptoderma is complicated by increased body temperature.

Enhancement of the immune system occurs in several ways, but the main ones remainproper nutrition, bracing exercise and fresh air zakalivanie.