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The body's immune response

The immune system is responsible for adequate maintenance of antigenic homeostasis in the body, in other words, the permanence of his state in which he is immune to toxins, poisons. In principle, this immunity is in a simplified form that we are accustomed to designate as the immune system.

That's when part of the body immune system recognizes and destroys foreign minerals:

  • Viruses.
  • Bacteria.
  • Fungi.
  • Parasites.
  • Tumor cells.

With regard to immune response, which we will talk today, it is a reaction to the penetration of alien elements.

Just note that the evolution has affected the microorganisms in it, they are constantly changed and improved, which, however, is happening now. That moment has led to that today we can speak about several types of immunity and immune response.

The types of immune response

As we have pointed out above, any response of the organism to penetration of alien element refers to the immune response. That is, any substance which its structure differs from the structure of human tissues, always gets the immune response.

First note that there is a specific and nonspecific response.

Nonspecific immune response. Will start with it, since this response is the first reaction to the penetration of a foreign substance. When getting virtually any microbe in the human body, the immune system reacts the same way.

Formed inflammation, and the microbe is destroyed. Nothing wrong

The second type of response – humoral is mediated. As on the surface of the foreign element that has penetrated into the body, there may be several antigens, and produces a certain number of antibodies to combat them. Let's define some of these antibodies or immunoglobulins:

  • Type A. protects the body, preventing the penetration of microbes through the pores of the skin and mucous membranes. We can say that he is responsible for local immunity.
  • Type M. this immunoglobulin is allocated immediately after contact with the infection. This complex antibodies connects multiple microbes simultaneously. And if the blood test is determined by these antibodies, it always indicates a development in the body acute infectious diseases.
  • Type G. Antibodies of this type appear after the type M and are the basis of humoral response. This immunoglobulin protects the body for a long time.
  • Type E. Antibodies powered by a powerful Allergy that prevents penetration into the body through the skin various toxins and microorganisms.

Important! Antibodies in our bodyproduced in any case and in any infectious disease. The humoral response, the body develops over two weeks and during this time the body produces the required amount of antibodies that neutralize infection

The strength of the immune response

Say a few words about the strength of the response of the immune system. It is clear that the answer depends on the ability of the organism to react to the penetration of poisons or infections. And here, too, there are several types of immune responses that differ in strength:

  • Norvergence.
  • Giorgijevski.
  • Giperergicakie.

For normoergic response characteristic identical to the reaction force on the microorganisms. This response leads to the complete destruction of alien elements. This reaction is normal for people with normal immune systems.

Giorgijevski response is not adequate to the power of microbial aggression. Therefore, when such a reaction, the infection is not destroyed completely, and passes into the stage of chronic disease. this type of response is often characteristic of elderly patients, children and for people with primary immunodeficiency.

Giperergicakie immune response can many times exceed the aggression of germs. During this type of response the inflammatory response reaches the maximum values, which can lead to serious damage of body tissues.