Home / Other diseases / Tetanus: the incubation period, symptoms, vaccine, photo

Tetanus: the incubation period, symptoms, vaccine, photo

Tetanus refers to acute

The most dangerous period of the disease is the period from 10 to 14 days after onset of tetanus. If this period is successful, the symptoms begins to subside. Starts the process of restoring normal functioning of the body and all systems and organs.

The recovery period lasts up to two months, and all signs of the disease and current and the recovery period are in direct connection with the severity of the disease.

If for tetanus is characterized by a light current, the incubation period can last for 20 days. Interestingly, in this case, there is no question about the seizures or the fever, but the patient experiences severe muscle strain of the back and facial spasms.

In moderate disease the incubation period can be 15-20 days. In it are seen the primary symptoms of tetanus, to which is added a small but noticeable tachycardia.

For severe forms of the disease are always characterized by short incubation period. In this case, the disease "Matures" just in 7-15 days. And there are all the major symptoms of tetanus, from sweating, to strongest convulsions.

And the most dangerous form of lightning, the incubation period is less than 7 days. This form is able to bring the patient to death in a short time. The cause of death is the heart failure or asphyxia.


The proven tool in the prevention of tetanus vaccinations. However, let us specify that the human body is not able to develop immunity against tetanus, therefore, vaccination must be done every 10 years, just as many years to take effect from vaccinating.

The first inoculation to be the baby at the age of three months, then six weeks and six months of life. The following vaccinations are 7 and 14 years. With age, the vaccine reaction and side effects are reduced.

At an inoculation it is necessary to remember that it is not put to the child during illness acute respiratory infections and in allergic reactions or neurological problems.