Home / Other diseases / Granuloma of the tooth: treatment, photo

Granuloma of the tooth: treatment, photo

Granuloma of the tooth is called the inflammatory process, which leads to the formation of a round hearth in the tooth, with a clear, defined boundaries. Typically, a granuloma is localized in the root apex of the tooth.

We can say that a granuloma refers to a serious and even dangerous problems, as the development of this disease leads to unpleasant and dangerous complications. Consider the main causes, symptoms and treatment of granuloma.

Causes granuloma of the tooth

Among the reasons that lead to the formation of granuloma of the tooth, note the following:

  • Gum disease, also called periodontitis.
  • Pulpitis in the stage of complications.
  • Mechanical damage to the tooth and injuries that can lead to infection.

Here we note that there are factors that can lead to early development of complications during granuloma is:

  • Stress, emotional stress.
  • The abrupt change of climate.
  • Hypothermia.
  • Previously suffering acute respiratory disease.

The symptoms of granuloma of the tooth

At an early stage the appearance of granulomas in General can not be overlooked. Moreover, the disease for some time it flows and develops completely asymptomatic, without attracting attention and suspicion as the patient and the dentists.

Important! at an early stage granuloma of the tooth can be discovered only by passing the radiology or DPRs.

For the initial stage starts and the first appearance of granulomas. The fact that after some time the cells are killed by inflammation, which gave a granuloma, and their place is taken by granular tissue.

Growing tissue fast enough, and the patient soon begins to feel the obvious pain and swelling of the gums, which is impossible to ignore.

Then you can diagnose a tooth abscess granuloma. To miss this point is impossible, since it is accompanied by severe pain and redness plus swell the gums.

The tooth, which houses the granuloma starts to get dark, and between it and the gum, one can observe the appearance of discharge of pus. Such symptoms and signs easily lead to flux. Here is already added to the pain of high fever, malaise.

Important! If the disease is asymptomatic and not detected in time. There is a possibility of formation in place of the tooth granuloma of jaw cysts.

Complication granulomas

There are three main areas of complication granulomas:

  • The loss of a tooth. It is quite an unpleasant complication, but not the most dangerous. Destroys the root, and the tooth just falls out.
  • If the granuloma of the tooth root continues to grow, it could lead her on the soft tissue, which will begin

    With regard to surgical intervention, it is necessary in advanced casesgranulomas. If the surgeon in most cases I just removed the tooth, now performed the autopsy gums and drainage of the purulent mass.

    Conclusion of pus obligatory, since the achievement of critical mass, it may be in the blood, and the blood flow reaching the heart, which can lead to death.

    Drainage is installed in the dissected area in order that the wound was not closed before time, and all the pus was drained precisely, a special tube, through which it is displayed, is set for three days.

    Simultaneously, it is medical therapy, which should reduce inflammation.

    It should be noted that to save the tooth if possible and surgical treatment. However, there are indications for which this is not possible:

    • The disease initially arose due to cracking of the tooth.
    • During the development of granuloma, the tooth was so broken that it is not recoverable.
    • The cause of granuloma and inflammation made periodontal pocket.
    • Poor patency of root canals.
    • Independent attempts of treatment granuloma of the tooth.

    Important! Self-medication for granuloma of the tooth is the worst decision that you can think of. Especially dangerous is the hot compress which ignorance usually applied to the area of inflammation. Pus under the influence of heat will only be harder to spread.

    As for the question of prevention, the main thing is to treat the issue of personal hygiene, brushing your teeth, you must at least morning and evening and every six months undergo routine examination at the dentist.

    It is important to understand that the pulpit, for example, and periodontitis can be the underlying cause of granuloma, and this means that you can not miss one of the reasons.