Home / Cystic masses / Multichamber cyst of the ovary (left and right): characteristics and operation

Multichamber cyst of the ovary (left and right): characteristics and operation

An ovarian cyst is pathology in the form of neoplasms in the region of the ovary. The reasons for its formation may be different. When this ovarian cyst can be not only a pathological phenomenon, but also functional, which does not need additional treatment.

To avoid any complications in the formation of cysts on the ovary, it is necessary to conduct a thorough diagnosis of the tumor. To this end, the doctor prescribes ultrasound, to evaluate the full clinical picture of the underlying disease.

Education multi-chamber cyst in the ovary

But ovarian cyst is a neoplasm in the form of a cavity with a large number of partitions. In the cavity of the cyst is a mucus or liquid. Formed a cyst from sex cord stroma, epithelium of the ovary or other tissues.

The cyst is a serous and pseudomucinous papillary cystoma. Also the walls in the ovarian cyst can be formed because the connection of different types of tumors.

What causes an ovarian cyst

Ovarian cyst in a woman's body can occur for several reasons. These factors include:

  • Hormonal disorders due to various reasons;
  • Changes in hormone levels during the menstrual cycle due to physiological reasons;
  • Pregnancy in women, when in some cases can be formed functional ovarian cyst;
  • Inflammation in the genital area women, leading to the formation of a multi-chamber or dual-chamber ovarian cysts;
  • The transfer operation;
  • Disorders at the embryonic level, leading to abnormal structure of the genital organs. Such a cyst is called dermoid and may contain embryonic leaves, resulting in formed by the inside of the cyst can meet the fat, nails, hairs and other education. Causes of these cysts today until the end science is not established.

To assign the correct treatment, it is necessary to identify the exact reason why had a cyst in the ovary. All of these causes different impact on the formation of cysts in the ovary. By the way, it would be useful information and that such operative treatment, as other methods in this case are ineffective.

The safest for women's health is a follicular cyst of the ovary. It is formed from the ripening of the follicle, which is the release of the egg during ovulation. Also, this phenomenon is called persistence of follicle.

The main methods of the study of an organism to the presence of an ovarian cyst is:

  • An ultrasound examination;
  • The studyvagina;
  • Hormonal analysis of blood;
  • The conduct of metrosalpingografii;
  • Conducting blood tests for the presence of tumor markers.

With particularly difficult cases assigned to the computer tomography and magnetic nuclear resonance, it may be detected for example, rupture of cyst experience the following symptoms:

  • Cutting pain in the lower abdomen;
  • Radiating pain in the rectum, accompanied by false urge to defecate;
  • Rapid pulse;
  • Low blood pressure;
  • A feeling of weakness and malaise.

With festering cyst of the ovary you can see such features as:

  • High body temperature;
  • Pulsating or throbbing pain;
  • A feeling of weakness and malaise;
  • An increased number of blood leukocytes.

Ovarian cyst in pregnant women

During pregnancy many women experience the formation of luteal cyst, also called a cyst of the corpus luteum of the ovary. Such a tumor occurs due to the provision of hormonal support maturing placenta and emerging ovum.

Cyst actively produces progesterone is the main hormone in pregnant women. The main function of hormone is to:

  • the establishment of infestation trophoblastic villi;
  • support in formation of the primary placental;
  • install the growth of the ovum;
  • preventing all kinds of violations in the area of the immune system.

Due to the fact that the luteal cyst takes a certain important role, it is not subjected to treatment or removal. Meanwhile, you must have regular visits with a physician and be screened to prevent a possible complication, if the cyst begins to grow in size. This in turn can lead to rupture of the cyst.

After birth luteal cyst in ovary, as a rule, gradually disappears on its own in six weeks. If after this period of time, the cyst remains or begins to grow requires prompt medical intervention. However, most often the cyst disappears completely.

Treatment of ovarian cysts

Treatment options ovarian cysts can be different, which depend on:

  • Results of ultrasound investigation;
  • The age of the patient, when possible, requires removal of tumors;
  • The nature of the neoplasm;
  • The level of CA-125;
  • The degree of reproduction.

The main methods of treatment of neoplasms in the region of the ovary are:

  • Surgery – through a laparoscopy or laparotomy;
  • Conservative treatment;
  • Puncture treatment.

The detection in the course of ultrasound retention cysts of the ovaryassigned to surgical treatment together with the puncture method. Relapse in this case, after proper treatment are virtually eliminated.

In identifying the follicular ovarian cyst and a yellow body it's important to undergo regular monitoring by the doctor with proper care after a time, the cyst disappears on its own. If not, the doctor prescribes a special hormonal drugs that are required to take at least three months. After conducting the treatment course to re-take the ultrasound examination.

Dermoid cyst, which can detect body fat, hairs and other education, is removed by a surgical intervention, since in some cases the cyst may develop into a malignant tumor. By the way, what is a dermoid cyst: symptoms and treatment of ovarian tumor — all this information you can get from our site.

Endometriotic cyst can be cured by surgery, and conservative methods, however, often taken both types of treatment. Before the operation is assigned the hormonal drugs which can reduce the cyst size and to protect the adjacent healthy tissue.

Preventive measures

The main preventive measures that reduce the risk of formation of cysts in the ovary include:

  • The use of hormonal contraceptives;
  • Hygiene and other measures that prevent the formation of inflammatory processes in female genitals;
  • Compliance with the rules of hygiene and safety during the menstrual cycle;
  • Timely treatment of gynecological diseases occur.

Thus, we can conclude that the ovarian cyst may be different in content and origin. The main method of diagnosis of the disease is ultrasound. Depending on the obtained results is assigned to a method of treating ovarian cysts – operatively or conservatively.

Treatment, in turn, selected strictly individually. To install the correct diagnosis used all sorts of additional methods of research. The main thing for women – early detection of existing diseases. In this connection it is necessary regularly every year to pass inspection at the gynecologist. At the risk of complications the physician should appear two times per year.