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Drug Allergy - causes in children and adults, photo

Today the problem of drug Allergy is a common disease among many people. Modern medicine with drugs able to reduce its manifestation and relief. But what to do if allergic reaction to medication?

A drug Allergy is an immediate reaction to the pharmacological action of the drug. According to research a large part of the drugs can cause an allergic reaction. Currently, there is a growth in people suffering from this type of Allergy.

The main reason that the doctors believe the increase in the number of drugs and sometimes uncontrolled consumption of patients. Because often people take the medication based on the information received from their friends or heard in the TV ads.

Doctors give a simple example. Almost all use drops for the nose during cold. Their action is based on the effects on blood vessels. If you use this simple preparation even at the first hint of cold, you will soon experience an allergic reaction to components of nasal drops. And in the future this will be the impetus to allergies to other drugs, even those that the patient was well tolerated.

Risk groups

Experts identify two groups of people who most often have problems because they have a drug Allergy:

  1. People receiving drug therapy in the treatment of diseases. Allergy develops in patients after the first dose of drugs. It can develop with regular and prolonged use of drugs with same pharmacological composition. In the period between medication doses, the human organism produces antibodies. Is the so-called process of sensitization of the organism.
  2. The second group of people are at risk constantly in contact with medicines. Doctors, nurses, pharmacists. Such forced contact with the drugs causes them to change their profession.

High probability of drug Allergy in people who:

  • have a hereditary predisposition to allergies;
  • often use the medicine in large doses;
  • predisposed to other allergies;
  • susceptible to fungal diseases.
  • Medications most commonly causing allergies

Conventionally, these medications can be divided into 4 groups.

Antibiotics based on penicillin;


Drugs against inflammatory processes;

Medicines on the basis of the synthesized proteins, vaccines, serums and other drugs.

To determine the degree of severity, which will be used for drug Allergy from the actionof the drug per person is hard enough. A well-known allergist Andrei ADO, an attempt was made to systematize the manifestations of allergic reactions to drugs speed effects on the body, manifestations and symptoms, even if it is Urticaria is a reaction to medications containing penicillin. During the initial medication with the content of penicillin, an allergic reaction may occur 5-7 days after you start taking antibiotics. Sometimes this time period is up to 3 weeks. At repeated course of treatment drugs a drug Allergy is manifested almost immediately. Sometimes the consequences of an Allergy in the form of urticaria may remain after completion of medication.

Drug Allergy drugs can cause the occurrence of erythema nodosum. Nodular erythema occurs in 4% of cases of drug Allergy. It's sealed under the skin, mainly in the field of a Shin and hips. With the appearance they have a reddish tint, but after a few days take on a blue-green hue. These seals are characterized by painful sensations when they are feeling or pressure.

The main cause of erythema nodosum is medications containing sulfanilamide. Allergy symptoms, in the primary medication appear in 10-12 days. After repeated or long-term employment — the very next day, eloquent photo showing it.

A more complex manifestation of a reaction to medication is the so-called erythema of the ninth day. It is characterized by redness of the skin or mucous membranes, often of inflammatory nature. Are allergic to medications on day 9 after the start of medication. Most often this reaction to the medication can be observed in patients in spring or autumn.

Action allergic reaction to the medication

If Allergy symptoms are not life threatening person, then you can minimize their effects by yourself at home. First, you need to remain calm.

If an allergic reaction manifested in the form of a rash or redness:

  • you should take a cool shower;
  • wear clothes made of natural materials;
  • for some time to minimize physical activity;
  • apply to the skin cream and take a pill against allergies.

If a drug Allergy occurs with other symptoms such as shortness of breath, swelling, the actions in this case may be the following:

  • necessary to stabilize the breathing;
  • if swallowing is difficult not to take antihistamine;

When breathing difficulty, wheezing should take bronchodilators. This will expand the Airways. Similarly, the action hasadrenaline.

When dizziness or feeling of weakness to increase the flow of blood to the brain. It is necessary to do simple preventive measures is to take a horizontal position, in which legs would be above his head.

Treatment of Allergy to medication

Depending on the severity of the Allergy, the doctor chooses the drugs and assigns the appropriate treatment.

  1. Moderate allergic reaction

Characterized by a slight redness and itching. It is possible to reduce the dose of the drug caused the Allergy. Reception of antihistamine drugs such as loratadine. Selection of anti-Allergy should have a high anti-allergic activity and quick action. You also need to minimize its side effects. This is Characterized by shortness of breath, lesions of internal organs, redness of almost all areas of the skin, General weakness. In such cases, discontinuation of the medication causing the Allergy occur immediately.

In most cases, the patient requires hospitalization and taking strong medications to reduce symptoms of Allergy to medication. Usually in treating allergies and reducing infectious process that accompanies it, doctors use antibiotics.

The main task of the doctor is their proper selection so as not to cause a repeated allergic reaction.

Methods of detecting allergies

If a person periodically arise in the medication Allergy symptoms, you must consult a doctor for diagnosis. To determine the medicinal Allergy is possible at some of the signs and symptoms. An experienced doctor fairly quickly by their appearance is able to recognize an allergic reaction.

Acute allergic reactions to medication and hospitalization from the patient will establish the diagnosis and determine the components caused the Allergy.

If it's mildly allergic to medicines, the patient will prescribe some tests to identify allergens. The most complete and informative in the determination of allergens are:

Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Specialist made to blood of the patient. After processing the material and the release of serum, it reacts with allergens. The reaction produces antibodies, which can determine the presence of Allergy to the drug.

Provocative test. This type of analysis allows with 100% accuracy to determine the list of medicines, which causes allergies in a patient. However, this method is the most dangerous. Its essence consists in direct contact of the body and a potential allergen.

Prevention of drug Allergy

Currently there is no universal way to avoid allergic reactions to medicines. However, you can reducetheir effect on the body and reduce the allergic reaction.

First, everyone should remember that it is not necessary to self-medicate. Uncontrolled use of drugs without medical supervision can lead to serious consequences. Try before taking new drugs to consult with your doctor.

You need to pay attention to changes in the body after taking medications. At first glance, a minor cold can be a sign of drug Allergy.

Prior to the treatment with the doctor is necessary to determine the list of medicines that should be taken in case of allergies. All products causing allergies must be stated in the patient's medical record to avoid serious consequences in the treatment.

The use of drugs to which the patient has an Allergy is unacceptable, especially if it means from allergies during pregnancy. If there is no possibility to replace a given drug, its intake should be under strict medical supervision. Additionally, you must conduct a thorough diagnosis in order to confirm that the Allergy caused by this drug.

When prescribing, the physician should consider the patient's predisposition to allergies and existing comorbidities. The specialist should try to avoid assign and receive several drugs at the same time. You should also be careful with drugs administered parenterally, such as a medicine taken for a long period of time.

All people with allergies to drugs it is recommended to wear special bracelets, which specifies the list of drugs causing allergies. This will help doctors prescribe the correct treatment in cases of intensive therapy and save time to determine the diagnosis.