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The boils: causes and treatment of the disease

Furunculosis takes its name from the Latin word furunculus, a boil is, and the disease presents a local cluster of boils. Boils can pour out into different areas of the body, and to be in a heterogeneous phase of maturation.

Abrasions, usually, always has the character of a chronic disease, which is characterized by the constant recurrence. In General, the abrasions can be divided into two types:

  • Localized. In the specific area of the skin is concentrated copious eruption of boils of different sizes and maturity;
  • Common. With this type of rash boils can be seen in different parts of the skin.

In medical circles furunculosis sistematizarea and other grounds. For example, there is a kind of acute disease, which is characterized by a sharp eruption of boils in large quantities and in many parts of the body. There is also chronic furunculosis, which is a long time, and boils constantly appear, then disappear, regardless of certain factors.

Most often the rash with abrasions can be seen on the face, the "risk zones" are the nose and cheeks. The rash rarely affects neck, hips, back, buttocks.

Interestingly, the boils begins to develop in places where skin is subjected to minimal injuries. Small enough damage, and we have already prepared a seat of boils.

The occurrence of boils

Local furunculosis occurs in the course of not quite the proper treatment of rashes. At this time there is a hit in the wound

After 10-15 days, the tumor opened and it implies the pus in large quantity. Usually, after the boil is opened, remains in its place a scar.

If we witness multiple rashes, you can feel a sharp drop in vitality, which will be accompanied by a headache, nausea, fever.

Localization of boils on the face are very dangerous. This has formed the boil requires to produce competent treatment anti-inflammatory drugs, such as Ichthyol ointment, for example. You can also handle the localization of boils ultrasonic therapy, it is like new in the treatment of boils.

As soon as the boil is opened, and all the pus is removed from the cavity, the place the autopsy is treated with antibacterial ointment.

Equally important with abrasions use antibiotics: oleandomycin, Sumamed, metacycline and other similar properties of medications.

In severe chronic furunculosisrequire a stimulant medication in the form of injections or IVS. It may be, gamma globulin, aloe extract.

Prevention of boils

To avoid getting boils must comply with standard requirement, as with any skin disease. Strict attitude to personal hygiene, diet, healthy living, prevent self-removal of a single boil.